
Big, bold prints are in! How to wear season's trickiest trend

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Four models wear outfits in bright colours, including floral print dresses and shirt.
Lift your spirits and those of everyone else with bright colours and flowers.

This season, big, bold prints are making noise.

After most of us couldn't socialise or go to work for a couple of years, loud fashion is having a moment as we venture into 2022.

These prints scream colour, life and adventure - everything we've been missing.


Here are some of the best daring prints:

Never Fully Dressed long-sleeve mini dress in vibrant floral, $158

Bright florals bring a touch of 70s style to this vibrant mini dress.

You don't have to go with shoes that match a tone in the dress; try lime green sandals to really pack a punch with your outfit.

A model squats in side view wearing a bright floral min dress and lime green strappy sandals. Bold prints Never Fully Dressed long sleeve mini dress in vibrant floral, $158

The Wolf Gang Levisa Key Hole Mini Dress, $279

This bright, bold dress shows off complementary colours, with a floaty skirt and balloon sleeves.

There's a key hole at the front and a cut-away back.

Make it really pop with some hot pink kitten heels.

Model wears a long-sleeved mini dress with splashes of purple, yellow and green, with pink sandals. The Wolf Gang Levisa Key Hole Mini Dress, $279

Patbo Rio cut-out floral-print stretch-jersey and chiffon maxi dress $1095.98

Go bold in print and style in this dress with a stretchy top and floaty, chiffon skirt.

It has big sleeves, a plunging bodice and swishy skirt, paired with extra cut-outs around the waist, and a high leg.

You can dial it down with white flats, or amp up the volume with red or pink heels.

Body of a model shown in pink, blue and green on pale pink background dress, a Patbo Rio cutout floral-print stretch-jersey and chiffon maxi dress $1095.98

Enita Blouse in black floral, $53

This shirt is full of bright blooms.

It has a collar, button-up front and voluminous sleeves with long cuffs.

It looks great with leather pants or a skirt, or toned down with jeans or denim cut-offs.

Woman with long hair worn loose wears a bright floral blouse over a black side-split miniskirt and wrap around high sandals. Enita Blouse in black floral, $53

Pieces wide-leg pants, $70

This Scandinavian brand knows how to have fun with its prints.

These high-rise pants have an elasticated waist, a relaxed, tapered fit, and are exclusive to ASOS.

They're great teamed with white and denim.

A model with long blonde hair wears hot pink, red and white swirly patterned loose pants over white joggers, with a white top and blue shirt. Pieces wide leg pants, $70

Petal & Pup Peta Dress, $89.95

A bold print doesn't have to be lairy.

The print on this dress is big and bold, but still pretty and feminine.

It has mid-length sleeves with ruffles, a ruffle hem, and detachable waist tie.

It looks great with nude heels for a subtler look, or pair it with orange or pink shoes for a stronger impact.

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Model with hair tied back wears pink, red, green and orange floral pint minidress on white background, with long loose sleeves. Petal & Pup Peta Dress, $89.95

Adidas Performance Rich Mnisi Tennis Woven Jacket, $160

Go for activewear, but make it super cool.

This faux animal print jacket is made from recycled polyester twill with a mesh lining.

It has a zip-up front with a low-collar, front pockets and ribbed hem and cuffs.

It's great with leggings, shorts, or pretty much anything really.

 Woman with hair tied back wears animal print and brightly coloured Adidas Performance Rich Mnisi Tennis Woven Jacket, $160, over black leggings.

P.E Nation Heads Up tie-dye sweatshirt, $233

Sweatshirts can have bold prints too.

This PE Nation comfy jumper includes organic cotton with a bold tie-dye print.

It has drop shoulders, a straight hem, and a ribbed edge.

It's made from at least 50 per cent of eco-materials.

Throw it on over almost anything - shorts, leggings, jeans or even a mini skirt for casual cool.

P.E Nation Heads Up tie-dye sweatshirt, $233

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