49 Spouses Who Could Give Stand-Up Comedians A Run For Their Money With Their Hilarious Antics
1.This husband, who made sure his wife felt appreciated:
If you can't read the trophy, take a closer look.
2.This husband, who was either completely clueless or completely hilarious during a stressful time:
3.This husband, who had fun with Photoshop:
4.And this spouse, who also decided to give his wife a fright:
5.This spouse, who left a fun surprise for their wife:
6.This wife, who announced her pregnancy in the best possible way:
7.This husband, who couldn't resist the opportunity:
8.This wife, who communicated she'd messed up in a mature fashion via the grocery list:
9.This husband, who correctly labeled the family dog:
10.This partner, who properly celebrated their wife's hysterectomy:
11.And this wife, who celebrated their spouse's surgery in a similar way:
12.And this wife, who got even more creative with their partner's vasectomy:
13.This wife, who has the sense of humor of a 14-year-old boy:
14.And this husband, who had a similar sense of humor:
15.This clever partner, who framed a list of chores for their husband as "side quests":
16.This spouse, who made the best joke about their husband's project:
17.This husband, who was very sneaky:
18.This partner, who made reading research articles seem WAY more fun:
19.This SO, who had a creative vision for their husband's xenomorph action figure:
20.This hilarious husband, who might be the last poster's spouse:
21.This husband, who similarly embarrassed his wife:
22.This husband, who chose the best custom cake:
23.This wife, who had a good point:
The note reads: "Sorry the quality of this sandwich is subpar compared to the ones you have been making lately, but I pushed our baby out of my vagina. Have some candy. Xoxo."
24.This husband, who turned taking meds into a game:
25.This spouse, who played a little prank:
26.This wife, who wanted to make things easy for their spouse:
27.This husband, who made the perfect dog tag:
28.This spouse, who decided to play a little trick on their husband:
29.This husband, who had a gentle reminder for his partner:
30.This partner, who decided to surprise their spouse with exactly what they wanted:
31.This husband, who had an ingenious solution for their dog:
32.This husband, who was rightly proud of himself:
33.This husband, who had had ENOUGH:
34.This partner, who made sure to celebrate their husband's promotion:
35.This spouse, who decided to freak out their significant other:
36.This husband, who added a nice piece of artwork in a language their dogs could definitely understand:
37.This husband, who took pettiness to a whole new level:
38.This wife, who proved a point to her husband:
39.This spouse, who decided to repurpose some old junk:
40.This wife, who played a funny April Fool's joke on her husband:
41.And this husband, who pranked his wife even worse:
42.This husband, who always knew how to cheer his spouse up:
43.This wife, who had jokes:
44.This husband, who came ready with the Dad jokes:
45.This husband, who left a fun surprise for his spouse:
46.This husband, who had a motivational quote for his daughter:
47.This husband, who indulged his daughter and made a very *creative* cake:
48.This spouse, who made a gift for her partner into a fun game of chance:
49.And finally, this spouse, who found the perfect card for their husband: