38 Mind-Blowing Photos Of What Things Used To Look Like That Actually Kind Of Broke My Brain

1.I guess only white people existed in 1987!

Two Guess Who? boards showing all character cards flipped up. The left board has cartoon faces of people with yellow frames, the right board with red frames
u/I_pinchyou / Via reddit.com

2.Was no one going to tell me Tigger didn't always look like the Tigger we know and love???

Winnie the Pooh and Tigger are featured on a red background. Pooh is lying down, while Tigger is sitting on his back, asking, "What's a Pooh?"
u/midorii_hug / Via reddit.com

3.I...have questions about the way these condoms are packaged.

Three vintage Trojan condom packages, two opened to show advertising text about health benefits, and two unwrapped condoms next to the boxes
u/Hi_Im_Michael_P / Via reddit.com

4.It's kind of a power move to call yourself a "saucy minx" in your yearbook, but I'm here for it.

A page from "The Nugget 1904" featuring Mabel Lewis, Ruth Londoner, and Margaret Mack with their portraits and quotes about them
u/jgrandi7 / Via reddit.com

5.Looks like Ken got some major plastic surgery over the years.

Two Ken dolls, one with a blue camo shirt and necklace, the other shirtless, laying side by side on a white background
u/sum1otherthanme / Via reddit.com

6.This is giving the same energy as...[CLICK TO CONTINUE READING]