People Shared The Movie Sex Scenes They'll Never, Ever, Ever, Ever, Ever Forget Because They Were Either Super Hot Or Super Scarring
Recently, Reddit user KnewMedalPhan asked the question, "What Movie Sex Scenes Are Etched Into Your Mind Permanently?" And the folks over at r/movies had some A+ responses. Members of our BuzzFeed Community had even more to add, too! So, here's a combination of what everyone had to say. And, fair warning, don't read this with your parents:
1.Desperado (1995) — "Antonio Bandaras and Salma Hayek. Man, when she flips rear cowgirl for the camera…my god!"
2.Parasite (2019) — "The sex scene in Parasite deserves an honorable mention. So much tension juxtaposed to one of the silliest bits in the whole movie."
3.True Lies (1994) — "Not a sex scene per se, but the strip tease is forever etched into my mind."
4.MacGruber (2010) — "One of the most cringey sex scenes with Vicki St. James, only to be topped like a minute later by the sex scene with the ghost of his dead wife. Then when you see it from the perspective of the graveyard’s groundskeeper and he’s just bare-assed humping the air…LOL."
5.Secretary (2002) — "Housewives thinking Fifty Shades is hot when this came out 13 years earlier and has James Spader."
6.Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) — "Dang, am I the oldest one here? The pool scene with Phoebe Cates from Fast Times at Ridgemont High changed my life and the life of every guy I knew. To this day, I must be careful if I hear that song in public!"
7.Showgirls (1995) — "In the pool with 'Jessie' from Saved by the Bell."
"And there's Kyle Maclachlan holding on for dear life thinking, What is she doing?"
8.Trainspotting (1996) — "The sex scene between Renton and Diane, if only for the quote of, 'I haven't felt that good since Archie Gemmill scored against Holland in 1978!'"
9.Monster's Ball (2001) — "A coworker and I would always say, 'Make me feel good...make me feel good, Billy Bob, you son of a bitch!,' to crack each other up."
10.Cruel Intentions (1999) — "Sarah Michelle Gellar saying, 'You can put it anywhere' while sticking her butt out was better than any sex scene in that movie."
11.Disclosure (1994) — "The movie stars Michael Douglas and Demi Moore, and not too long after it came out in 1994, it was on HBO. Being a newly minted teenager at the time, that was the first 'sex' scene I'd ever witnessed."
12.Requiem for a Dream (2000) — "The very first one I thought of because it didn’t ask which movie sex scene was etched 'positively' into your mind."
13.American Psycho (2000) — "'Don't just stare at it. Eat it!' American Psycho was the first time I saw a sex scene in a real movie that made me burst out laughing."
14.Y Tu Mamá También (2001) — "It was a formative viewing experience."
15.Wild Things (1998) — "The alt girl and the popular girl getting together and releasing the ultimate fantasy."
16.Risky Business (1983) — "The subway train. If you know, then you know. 😬😉"
17.Team America: World Police (2004) — "Top three of the most fucked up puppet sex scenes I have ever seen."
18.8 Mile (2002) — "The sex scene in 8 Mile left an impression on my teenage self."
19.Ghostbusters (1984) — "The ghost blowjob scene. The scene every child forgets, but every adult will never unsee."
20.The Terminator (1984) — "The hottest sex scene, hands down, is the one in The Terminator that conceived John Connor."
"That’s the best sex scene ever: The cinematography, the editing, but mainly the chemistry between the two actors completely justified a passionate sex scene in a sci-fi/action/horror movie."
21.Atonement (2007) — "In the library. It was so hot it was uncomfortable to watch in the theater. It was like watching porn with strangers."
22.Bound (1996) — "Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon. Not to be missed."
23.Titanic (1997) — "It may be a cliché one, but it was the first one I remember. Didn’t expect it because I was in it for the boat. Instead, I learned that I like both men and women from it. Leo and Kate did something to me, man."
24.Enemy at the Gates (2001) — "One of the most visceral, down and dirty, human scenes out there."
25.Watchmen (2009) — "I believe the flamethrower was canon in the comics. Pairing it with 'Hallelujah' was…a choice."
26.Starship Troopers (1997) — "Mobile infantry (and Dina Myers) made me the man I am today!"
27.Unfaithful (2002) — "The hallway sex scene."
"And the bathroom sex scene. Basically, every sex scene."
28.A Fish Called Wanda (1988) — "Jamie Lee Curtis and Kevin Kline in A Fish Called Wanda. Now that is truly memorable."
29.The Room (2003) — "You are my rose, you are my rose, you are my rose…"
30.The Big Easy (1986) — "I am SUPER old, but I'll never forget Dennis Quaid and Ellen Barkin in that scene."
31.Crank (2006) — "Sex in public, God that was hilarious."
32.Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993) — "Obviously we're sleeping on the chastity belt bit in Men In Tights. Massive giggle fit by a teenager. me."
33.Splice (2009) — "I just rewatched this movie the other night! The older you get, the more messed up that sex scene gets."
34.Fear (1996) — "The rollercoaster scene from Fear was unforgettable. Wild."
35.Finally, Mulholland Drive (2001) — "RIP to David Lynch. I will NEVER forget being like 12 and just flipping through channels with my mom. Stumbled upon that film RIGHT before the first lesbian scene. I was absolutely mesmerized but was also trying to fumble for the remote to turn the movie off. My mom (who ALWAYS jokingly gave me a hard time about that kind of thing) quipped as I frantically shut the TV off, saying I must have been enjoying it. She wasn't wrong. I'm still so captivated by that whole scene and having the movie's full context later. It's so beautiful."
Note: Some responses and submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.
What about you? Is there a movie sex scene that's permanently "burned" into your memory for good reasons or bad? Tell us about it below or via this totally anonymous form!