Sam Wood: 3 things you need to stop believing to lose weight

It seems like every day there is a new diet rule or fitness fad that holds the key to weight loss.

But more often than not, these are misconceptions that are loosely based on fact, entirely false or just a waste of time.

So today I’m here to provide some clarity. Don’t get sucked in by the food and fitness myths that are everywhere.

If you want to efficiently lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle, these are the three things you need to stop believing now.

You can eat whatever you want if you train hard

This is a big mistake that I often see with new clients. They are under the misconception that because they went to the gym in the morning, this is a free pass to eat whatever they want throughout the day.

But the harsh reality is – you cannot out-train a bad diet.

You can train until the cows come home but if your diet consists of fast food, processed crap, soft drinks and alcohol then you cannot expect to see results or long-lasting change.

Of course, working out is an important part of losing weight, but remember – it’s a balanced equation.

Exercise and nutrition go hand in hand when weight loss is the aim of the game.

You have to count calories

‘Eat less, move more’ is something we were told for years. But the thing is, you don’t need to skip meals, count every calorie and force your body into a ‘calorie deficit’ if you’re looking to lose weight.

If you eat real, fresh and whole foods then you don’t need to worry about every single thing you put in your mouth.

I’m a big believer that food is meant to be enjoyed, not counted. Food, when part of a healthy diet, serves a much more important purpose of giving us macronutrients for great energy and health.

So don’t waste your time tracking calories and everything you consume. Instead focus on the quality of the food you are consuming, rather than the quantity.

Constant cardio is key

Too many people look at cardio as the be all and end all to weight loss. But the reality is – if you want to efficiently burn fat and shed kilos there is so much more at play.

The key to losing weight is to lose fat whilst not losing too much lean muscle, while also making sure your metabolism remains in an elevated state (even when the workout is over).

Sure, cardio can help this to some extent. But in simple terms, it is not the only way and if you are doing this only in a long steady state (as opposed to short, intense bursts) you will not achieve the weight loss that you are after.

To shed fat and keep it off in the long term, you need to incorporate some form of resistance training into your routine. This will help you build more lean muscle, and the more lean muscle you have, the better the boost to your metabolism.

This doesn’t mean that cardio is off the cards – but when you do get your cardio on, make it in high intensity bursts that will spike your heart rate and force you out of your comfort zone.

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