19 Times Actors Got Wildly Injured On Set — And The Filmmakers Were Like "Put That In!!!"

1.In The Princess Bride, Christopher Guest, who played Count Rugen, actually knocked out Cary Elwes, who played Westley, in the scene where Rugen hits Westley on the head with his sword. The take was used because “it was the only one that looked so real,” Elwes said.

Top image: A bearded man in medieval clothing holding a sword. Bottom image: A blond man in medieval clothing with two men in helmets and chainmail behind him
20th Century Fox/Interaccess Film Distribution

"Chris [Guest] swung the heavy sword down toward my head. However, as fate would have it, it landed just a touch harder than either of us anticipated. And that, folks, was the last thing I remember from that day's shoot," Elwes revealed. "I woke up in the emergency room, still in costume, to the frightening sound of stitches being sewn into my skull."

Cary Elwes is smiling while wearing a pinstripe suit jacket over a white dress shirt
Cindy Ord / WireImage via Getty Images

2.In a comedic moment of 1941, John Belushi's Kelso falls not once but twice as he's trying to get back onto his plane. He then recovers with an ironic bravado. The second fall — the more serious one — was not scripted. Belushi actually fell off the wing and landed on his head, sustaining such a serious injury he had to go to the hospital. However, it made the scene even funnier, and it was kept in.

A series of scenes from an action movie showing intense nighttime combat involving soldiers and an aircraft, with soldiers climbing, assisting, and engaging in combat
Universal Pictures/Columbia Pictures

3.While filming The Passion of Christ, Jim Caviezel was hit by a cross that weighed over 250 pounds. "It fell on my head, and I bit through my tongue and my cheek," he said. "And it was actually in the film. You see blood streaming out of my mouth."

A man wearing robes and a crown of thorns struggles to carry a heavy wooden cross, then collapses under its weight in a sequence of four images. Others are around him
Newmarket Films

4.At one point in Blade Runner, Daryl Hannah's Pris runs and falls onto a van, jamming her elbow into the window before continuing to flee. This was not in the script — Hannah's slip was an accident. She finished the take, then had her elbow looked at and found out it was chipped in eight places. However, it added to her character's desperation and was kept in.

Daryl Hannah, with short wet hair and distressed expression, in intense action scenes; appears frightened, crawling through a dimly lit, machinery-filled setting
Warner Bros

5.Jake Gyllenhaal was always meant to hit the mirror in Nightcrawler, but it wasn't supposed to break. When it did, it cut Gyllenhaal's hand, and he had to go to the ER to get stitches. The scene was left in as-is.

Jake Gyllenhaal slams the medicine cabinet shut, his reflection showing a serious expression
Open Road Films

6.Similarly, in Foxcatcher, Channing Tatum was meant to hit the mirror, but he wasn't meant to break through the mirror. "He punched that thing with his head three times and shattered it, and put his head through it and through the frame behind the mirror and through the drywall that the mirror was hanging on and left a divot two inches deep," director Bennett Miller revealed. "When we took the mirror down, there was a hole in the wall. And he actually cut himself, and you see his blood in that scene. This was somebody uncorking something that you can't make up. It's inside you somewhere or it's not."

A man in a white tank top angrily punches a door in a dimly lit room
Sony Pictures Classics/Annapurna International

7.Martin Sheen was actually not directed to punch the mirror at all in the breakdown scene from Apocalypse Now. Sheen later admitted he was actually "dangerously drunk" and having a real breakdown in the scene, and the punch, which caused heavy bleeding, was unscripted. It remained in the final cut.

Martin Sheen in "Apocalypse Now"

8.Leonardo DiCaprio's Calvin slicing open his hand in Django Unchained was also accidental — DiCaprio actually sliced it and kept going with the scene despite the bleeding. At first, director Quentin Tarantino was unsure whether he wanted to use the moment in the movie. He filmed multiple versions of the rest of the scene, which saw DiCaprio touch Kerry Washington's face — in some takes, DiCaprio wiped fake blood on her face, and in other takes, he simply touched it. Tarantino ended up preferring the takes with the blood, and the scene became one of the most memorable in the film.

leo's hand bleeding in the scene
The Weinstein Company/Columbia Pictures

9.Bradley Cooper almost killed himself while method-acting in Burnt. The scene where his character — a chef who has just hit rock bottom — puts a bag over his head in an attempt to suffocate himself was actually improvised by Cooper, who was immersed in the scene. "It was late at night, and we didn't have much time, and the bag thing just sort of happened in one of the takes," Cooper said. He was saved by costar Matthew Rhys, who said he was genuinely afraid Cooper might die. The improvised scene made it into the final film.

Screenshots from "Burnt"
The Weinstein Company

10.While filming the Rocky and Drago fight scene in Rocky IV, Sylvester Stallone told his costar, Dolph Lundgren, to truly try to knock him out so that it would look more realistic. "At one point, he hit me so hard on the top of the head I felt my spine compress," Stallone later revealed. "He then hit me with an almighty uppercut. That night, my chest and heart started to swell, and I had to be helicopter-ambulanced from my hotel to a nearby emergency room. I was told that Dolph had punched my rib cage into my chest, compressing my heart. If it had swollen any more, I would have died." Stallone was in the ICU for nine days.

closeup of the rocky being punched with blood flying out of his mouth
MGM/UA Entertainment Co./United International Pictures

11.Stallone similarly ended up majorly injured after another fight became a little too real. While starring in The Expendables, he said, "My fight with Stone Cold Steve Austin was so vicious that I ended up getting a hairline fracture in my neck. I'm not joking. I haven't told anyone this, but I had to have a very serious operation afterwards. I now have a metal plate in my neck."

stallone being chocked out

12.Lorenza Izzo almost drowned while filming The Green Inferno. The frightening incident occurred while shooting the scene where her character Justine tries to escape a canoe of cannibals and jumps into the water. Izzo grabbed a rock and fought against the current as she screamed. Director Eli Roth had given her a safe word but said, "It was so loud that when she was screaming it at the top of her lungs, none of us heard her." They thought she was acting until they realized she was shouting in English and Spanish. The footage ended up in the film.

closeup of lorenza with blood on her face
High Top Releasing/BH Tilt

13.Bo Derek, who played Jane in 1981's Tarzan, the Ape Man, was almost killed by a lion onscreen. The lion — which had fixated on Derek — unexpectedly darted for her while filming a scene where she first meets Tarzan (played by Miles O'Keeffe). O'Keeffe put himself between the lion and Derek, who tried to crawl to safety into the water, where the lion would not follow. She got away, but not before the lion sliced her shoulder with his paw. The footage stayed in the final cut — in fact, the scene was adjusted so that the attack could be included.

A lion attacking two people
United Artists/Cinema International Corporation

14.The Birds' Tippi Hedren said that in the scene where her character is viciously attacked by birds, she was told the mechanical birds were not working, so the director, Alfred Hitchcock, used live birds instead. For five days, Hedren said, live birds (that were trained to peck her) were thrown at her and even tied to her. When one almost pecked her eye, she broke down and had to spend a week in bed due to exhaustion. This is the footage you see in the film.

Hedren with a bloody face and arm held up to her face

15.Ellen Burstyn permanently injured her back while filming The Exorcist. In the scene, a possessed Reagan pushes Burstyn's character to the floor. "I landed on my back and [director William Friedkin] said, 'Cut, take two.' And I said, 'Billy, he's pulling me too hard,' because I had a wire pulling me to the floor," Burstyn said. "And Billy said, 'well it has to look real.' And I said, 'I know it has to look real, but I'm telling you, I could get hurt.' And so he said, 'ok, don't pull her so hard.' But then I'm not sure that he didn't cancel that behind my back because the guy smashed me into the floor."

Person in a white turtleneck falling back onto the floor in front of a window, with arms flailing and papers scattered around
Warner Bros.

Instead of cutting when she was hurt, Brustyn says Friedkin directed the cinematographer to focus on her. The take ended up in the film. Friedkin said, "There’s certain things you cannot act, like that sort of hurt."

Woman lies on a bed with a concerned expression, pen and notepad in hand, engaging in intense writing

16.This is less serious, but in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Viggo Mortensen broke two toes while kicking a helmet. His scream of anguish, followed by his fall to his knees, was real.

A scene from "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers." Aragorn, played by Viggo Mortensen, looks distressed and kicks a helmet, screaming and falling to his knees
New Line Cinema

17.Malcolm McDowell was temporarily blinded after shooting the scene where his eyes are held open in A Clockwork Orange. "The lid locks kept sliding off my eyelids and scratching my cornea," he revealed. "When the anesthetic wore off, I was in such pain I was banging my head against a wall. But Stanley was mainly concerned about when he would be able to get his next shot." He actually went temporarily blind as a result. He then had to do it again for the close-ups. This is all seen in the final footage.

Close-up of Alex in a contraption forcing his eyes to stay open
Warner Bros. / Columbia-Warner Distributors

18.Sean Bean almost had his skull crushed while filming Sharpe's Regiment. "A horse landed on my head," he revealed. "They actually used that take. The bank collapsed, and the horse's hoof sort of sprung off my head as he was jumping. I got a bit of a black eye and a bit of a neck problem."

Three soldiers in cavalry uniform cross a stream in a grassy landscape. One soldier leads while others follow, all on horseback

19.Finally, we'll end on a funny one. Michael McDonald insisted Melissa McCarthy throw an actual phone book in The Heat and said he would dodge it if it came near his face. But McCarthy ended up being positioned closer than he'd thought, and he didn't have time to dodge, meaning he was hit directly in the face. "Everyone, including Melissa and me, was thinking that my nose was broken," he revealed. "All I could think of was, 'Nobody break. Nobody laugh. Because I only want to do this once.'" Luckily, his nose was alright, though Melissa was soon injured as well: "She ran over so fast to see if I was all right that she slid on the phone book on the floor, and then everybody just ran to Melissa, of course." He joked, "I knew where I ranked."

Melissa McCarthy hits Sandra Bullock with a phone book while they are both in an interrogation room
20th Century Fox