18 Of The Most Unfortunate People Who Just Had A Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much, Much Worse Week Than You
If you just had a terrible, no good, awful week, just remember....
1.The person who was kind enough to share their croissant with a friend:
2.The person who loves their barber very much, I'm sure:
3.The person who's going to have some delicious spoon, just like ma used to make:
4.The person whose car interior is now squeaky clean:
5.The person who, but for one fleeting moment, felt rich:
6.The person whose pool is about to be empty really soon:
7.The person who allllllmost got the job:
8.The person who will spend the rest of their days organizing that drawer:
9.The person whose hose no longer belongs to them:
10.The person whose entire honkin' tooth fell out:
11.The person who will not be engaging in a Ratatouille situation anytime soon:
12.The who will forever double-check their laundry:
13.The person who taught us all a valuable lesson today:
14.The person who cannot be trusted around a coffee-maker:
15.The person whose drink had a little extra seasoning:
16.The person who got a special delivery from a bird at work:
17.The person who had an Italian disaster:
18.And the person who is trying to turn lemons into lemonade: