18 Signs From The Past Week That Are Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Too Funny For Their Own Good
Let's all gather 'round and enjoy some of the funniest signs of the week, courtesy of r/funnysigns. It's what we deserve!!!
1."Are you sure?"
2."Who did this?"
3."Ya got milk?"
4."What did they do?? I wanna know."
5."Crowd surfing isn’t that exciting."
6."Never tried this before."
7."I'm guessing this sign has been stolen a few times."
8."Come getcher bork!"
9."How tf did I end up here?"
10."OK, bucket list."
11."Not sure I could eat a whole one…"
12."Stupid, illiterate water thief."
13."Why don't you ex-presso?"
14."Just to flex my dog right here."
15."Something tells me this will not help my stomach."
16."Right or left?"
17."Oh I SEEEE."
18."We buy souls."
Don't miss last week's funniest signs:
19 Signs From The Past Week That Made Me Laugh So Hard, I'm Still Wiping Tears From My Eyes