Prepare To Have Your Mind Blown By These 16 Utterly Bizarre Photos That Defy Logic
How delightful it is to have you join us for another roundup of this week's most confusing photos from Reddit. We confused you into oblivion last week, so let's see just how sharp your brain is this week. Let's get to it!
1.Exhibit A. This person is scooping their food with their hand, but it is not off a plate. What is it?
That circle is not a plate, it is a decoration on the table cloth and the person served their food right on it thinking it was a plate!
2.Exhibit B. This is not a see-through plate — nor does the design of the bottom of the plate match the counters. What in tarnation is going on?
The person was seasoning their burger, and you are seeing seasoning bits on the white bottom of the plate!
3.Well, this is interesting. How did this cat's limbs get discombobulated like this?
It's hard to explain so I hope this pic clears it up for you!
4.This is not a blue bird sitting on a branch, tell us what it is!
I bet you didn't realize it is the handle of a snow shovel.
5.Ah! This is not a giant moth! What in Great Scott is this?
It is an owl and I have no idea how it got there.
6.This is not some weird-looking floating saucer. What is it?
It is called Dryad's Saddle, and it is actually an edible fungus (still not suggesting you eat it though!) that is growing out from the tree, so it looks like it is floating.
7.This person's hand is not growing eyelashes or a full head of hair. Explain it for us.
The person is holding a wig with a lace front that matches the person's skin so well, it is undetectable!
8.This person does have all of their fingers. Where is their pinky though?
It is actually right there, it is just hard to see the outline of it because it matches her arm so well.
9.A piece of wood has not been somehow inserted into the middle of this snake's body. What is actually happening here?
The "wood" you are seeing is actually a broken piece of bamboo. The shadow from it gives the illusion it is going directly inside the snake.
10.This is not a dog and a baby dog next to it. I'm open to your commentary.
That "tiny dog" is its paw!!!
11.I'm confused on this one. Help.
It is 100% confusing but you might have guessed correctly. It is a building within a building!!!
12.This is not a 2D building. Enlighten us.
People are arguing a bit in the Reddit comments about this one. Here is what u/InfinteAbyss says, "These two buildings are the same height, and both are a diamond shape, so we are seeing the edge of the 'taller' building, plus the distance between the buildings also creates the illusion the further away one is smaller." Thoughts?
13.This person does, in fact, have a head. Where is it?
He is leaning it back super far and taking a nap. It does look super uncomfortable though!
14.This man is not resting and/or comforting a crying woman. How can this be?
He is sitting on a bench, and the crying person is just an ad on the bench.
15.Uh, what is happening in this photo — and what is that thing?
It is a person trying to sell a saddle on Facebook marketplace and their hands are there to show how wide it is.
16.And, finally, people are really annoyed by this wall. I think I can see what is happening and why it is so confusing, but many people can't. Can you?
The longer I stare at this, the more I confuse myself. I think the middle tower comes out of nowhere, and people don't understand how it is attached, but I could be wrong, so go off in the comments!
Thanks for coming along on this wild ride. Let us know what confused you most in the comments and come back next Friday for another mind-boggling roundup!