101 Animals That Start With 'S' for Your Next Trivia Night

From A-Z, there is no one letter that all animals from across the globe begin with. Because of that, you can probably come up with animals that start with each letter of the alphabet if you take a few minutes to think about it. However, of those letters, how many animals that start with "S" can you list?

From well-known creatures like swans and sea otters to more exotic species such as saddleback clownfish and skylarks, there are "S"-named mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and more. Whether they swim, fly, slither or walk, each individual animal adds wonder and beauty to the planet.

To learn more about S-named critters, check out Parade Pet’s list, below. We rounded up over 100 different types of animals that start with the letter "S" that you can read about, along with some fun facts about each one. By the time you’re finished, you may even have a favorite new animal.

Related: The Ultimate List: 101 Animals That Start With ‘A’

101 Animals That Start With "S"



1. Swordfish

These fish are like the knights of the sea thanks to their sword-like bill, which comes in handy when they need to slash through schools of fish. These powerful fish can also swim up to 60 miles per hour, making them one of the fastest swimmers in the ocean.



2. Swan

These elegant birds are graceful swimmers and recognized for their long necks and beautiful movements when in lakes and ponds. They are also known as one of the largest flying birds in the world, with wingspans that can reach over ten feet wide.



3. Snow Leopard

These big cats live in cold mountainous regions. They are incredible climbers and can leap up to 50 feet in a single bound. Their thick, fluffy tails are as long as their bodies and help them balance while navigating steep mountain slopes in their snowy habitats.



4. Sphynx

These cats stand out from others because they are almost completely hairless. They come in a variety of colors that range from black, to orange to cream and more.



5. Sparrow

Sparrows are small songbirds that can be found worldwide. They are very social and are often heard chirping beautiful melodies from high above in trees.



6. Sea Otter

These cute creatures have the densest fur of any animal, with up to a million hairs per square inch, which keeps them warm and cozy in chilly waters. They also love to float on their backs and use rocks as tools to crack open clams and shells to snack on.



7. Scorpion

Scorpions are ancient arachnids that have been around for over 400 million years. They are known for using their venomous stingers primarily for defense and capturing prey.



8. Sea Lion

These adorable animals get their names because they tend to roar like lions. They are highly vocal marine mammals that communicate using barks, growls, and honks.



9. Sloth

These jungle animals are known for their slow movement and spend most of their lives hanging upside down in trees to conserve energy. Sometimes they move so slow that algae sometimes grow on their fur.



10. Skunk

These animals have a superpower—they can spray a stinky liquid from their tail that helps them scare away predators. However, before they do, they usually give a warning that consists of them stomping their feet and raising their tail, so you'll have time to run away.

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11. Sand Dollar

Did you know sand dollars were actually alive? They aren’t just pretty seashells you discover on the beach; they are actually organisms that can live up to ten years.

12. Starfish

Also known as "Sea Stars," these pretty-shaped animals are marine invertebrates. Besides having a unique appearance, they are also special because they can regenerate lost limbs.

13. Sardine

These sea creatures may be tiny, but they are smart and know they can appear large when they team up and swim together. When they do this, they confuse predators and improve their chances of survival.

14. Squirrel

Did you know that squirrels are basically gymnasts? They can leap up to ten times their body length and navigate tree branches like acrobats. Besides being athletic, they have great memories and can stash their favorite snacks in secret hiding spots called "squirrel caches," which they can remember months later.

15. Stingray

Stingrays are flat-bodied fish with venomous spines on their tails. They are graceful swimmers and glide through the ocean effortlessly by flapping their wing-like fins. Sometimes they even jump out of the water, like playful dolphins.

16. Snake

Believe it or not, snakes don't have eyelids, so they can't actually blink. Instead, they have clear scales over their eyes called spectacles that protect them while they slither and explore their surroundings.

17. Seahorse

Unlike land horses, seahorses are slow swimmers, moving only about 0.01 miles per hour. To avoid getting swept away by the water currents, they use their curly tails to hold onto seagrass and coral.

18. Shark

Sharks are known as the predators of the ocean, thanks to their sharp teeth and excellent senses. They also happen to sandpaper-like skin which is covered in tiny, tooth-like scales called dermal denticles. These scales help them swim faster and quieter in the water when they are hunting.

19. Sea Turtle

These turtles always know where they are going because they have a magnetic sense that allows them to navigate long distances. This especially comes into play during their migrations across oceans while returning to the same nesting beaches year after year to lay eggs.

20. Saddleback Clownfish

This saltwater fish gets its name from the distinctive white "saddle" marking on its back. Besides making it look unique, it also helps it blend into coral reefs for camouflage.

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21. Scallop

These sea creatures may look like a seashell, but they are alive and have more eyes than any other organism on Earth. They have up to 200 eyes that line the edges of their shells, helping them detect movement and avoid predators in the ocean.

22. Springbok

These deer-like animals are native to Africa. They are known for their spectacular leaping displays, called "pronking," where they spring into the air with all four feet off the ground, often to alert others of potential danger.

23. Saber-Toothed Tiger

These fierce cats were around millions of years ago. They were known for their oversized canine teeth that could reach up to 7 inches in length, which they used to hunt down prey.

24. Sheep

You’ve probably heard the saying “elephants never forget,” well the same goes for sheep. They have excellent spatial memory and can recognize up to 50 individual sheep and humans.

25. Snow Goose

These birds travel thousands of miles each year between their breeding grounds in the Arctic and their wintering grounds in warmer regions. You’ll usually recognize them thanks to the V-shaped formations they fly in.

26. Siamang

These black apes are anything but quiet. In fact, they are known for their loud calls, which can be heard up to two miles away in the dense rainforests of Southeast Asia.

27. Samoyed

These fluffy dogs have a double coat of white fur, which regulates their temperature. They are a Russian breed, but can be found in homes across the world today.

28. Sable

These small mammals are related to weasels. They are known for their luxurious fur coats that change color with the seasons, which helps them blend into their forest habitats.

29. Sea Slug

These colorful marine animals come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some sea slugs can even swim using wing-like structures on their bodies.

30. Spoonbill

These pastel pink birds have spoon-like bills and look like they were plucked out of a fairy tale. Their unique bills are the perfect design for scooping up delicious snacks, like fish and insects, in shallow waters.

31. Silkworm

These caterpillars produce silk threads that are used in making fabric. They are domesticated insects and have been bred for silk production for thousands of years.

32. Swallowtail Butterflies

These butterflies have distinctive "tails" on their hind wings, which resemble the tails of swallows. Aside from their looks, they are also known for their graceful flying and vibrant colors.

33. Springtail

If you’ve never heard of these, they are tiny insects that can jump several inches. They do so by using a spring-like structure called a furcula, which helps them escape predators and move quickly through leaves.

34. Sawfish

These fish have long, saw-like snouts called rostrums, which are lined with teeth. Their unique design helps them detect and stun prey while swimming in murky waters.

35. Schnauzer

These dogs are small to medium-sized and are known for their distinctive beards and eyebrows. They are also intelligent and loyal companions and are often used as guard dogs.

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36. Sun Bear

These bears are the smallest bear species. They have a distinctive golden crescent-shaped patch on their chest and are often called "Honey Bears" because of their love of honey.

37. Sablefish

These fish are mysterious deep-sea dwellers. They have silvery scales that sparkle like moonlight in the water.

38. Swallow

These birds are agile aerial acrobats that migrate thousands of miles each year, returning to the same nesting sites with remarkable precision. They are celebrated for their graceful flight patterns and their ability to eat insects while soaring through the sky.

39. Sockeye Salmon

Also known as Red Salmon because of their beautiful coloring, these fish migrate hundreds of miles upstream to their spawning grounds. They even leap over waterfalls with incredible strength.

40. Sapsucker

Sapsuckers are woodland artists, creating intricate patterns in tree bark as they tap up and down on trunks, drawing out sweet sap and creating a rhythm that echoes through the forest.

41. Sturgeon

Sturgeons are gentle giants of the underwater world, with scales that shimmer like pieces of treasure. Though they are still around today, their history dates back to the time of dinosaurs.

42. Screech Owl

These owls may be small, but they have a big voice. They make eerie screeching calls at night to communicate with their family and to scare away intruders.

43. Shih Tzu

These pretty dogs were originally bred as royal companions in ancient China and are known for their long, flowing coats that resemble luxurious silk. Despite their small size, they have a courageous spirit and a lively personality.

44. Sandpiper

These tiny birds are beach lovers. They love walking on the sand and leaving delicate prints as they dart along the shore in search of food hidden beneath the waves.

45. Siskin

These birds have bright yellowish green feathers that sparkle in the sunlight. Their cheerful songs are like a woodland symphony when heard.

46. Serval

These wild cats may look like house cats, but they’re far from it. They are skilled hunters in the African savannah, as they silently stalk their prey through the tall grass.

47. Sparrowhawk

These birds are like ninjas, with sharp talons and swift wings that allow them to swoop silently through forests and surprise their prey with incredible precision.

48. Savannah Monitor

These lizards are native to Africa. They are curious explorers with forked tongues that they use to taste the air with, searching for clues on their environment.

49. Stoat

These critters are super cute thanks to their sleek coats that change color from brown to white in winter, allowing them to blend into snowy landscapes. You can find them in North America, Europe and Asia.

50. Scorpion Fish

These fish are masters of camouflage. They blend in seamlessly with their surroundings using their spiky appearance to hide from predators and sneak up on prey.

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51. Stonefly

These are ancient insects that live near clean, cold streams. They are known for their ability to swim underwater using gills.

52. Squid

Squids have the largest eyes of any animal. They also have the ability to change color and shoot ink to confuse predators.

53. Swallowtail Butterfly

These butterflies are enchanting to watch with wings that flutter gracefully as they sip nectar from flowers. They are large butterflies and have a wingspan of up to 93 mm.

54. Scaup

These are diving ducks that plunge underwater to catch fish and mollusks. They do so by using their strong webbed feet.

55. Solifugae

Also called “Camel Spiders” or “Wind Scorpions,” these are not true spiders, but are arachnids. They are known for their speed and appetite, often found in desert habitats where they hunt insects and small animals.

56. Softshell Turtle

These turtles have flat, leathery shells that are flexible and allow them to move quickly through water, where they hunt fish and crustaceans with their long necks and powerful jaws.

57. Striped Hyena

These animals are nocturnal scavengers. They have distinctive black and white stripes along their bodies and a haunting call that echoes through the night in African and Asian savannahs.

58. Surgeonfish

These colorful reef fish are known for their scalpel-like spines on their tails, which is where their name comes from. They use their unique-shaped tails for defense and to establish dominance within their social groups.

59. Sunfish

These fish also go by the name “Mola Mola.” They are the heaviest bony fish in the world, weighing as much as a car. They get their name because they love to bask near the ocean's surface to warm up after deep dives.

60. Swift Fox

These foxes are speedy sprinters and can run up to 30 miles per hour. They are known for their playful nature and their ability to dig elaborate burrows in the prairies of North America.

61. Screamer

These are large birds with loud, distinctive calls that sound like screams. They also have webbed feet that help them navigate through marshes and waterways, where they feed on aquatic plants and insects.

62. Short-nosed Elephant Shrew

This animal is a small, speedy mammal with a long snout that resembles an elephant's trunk. Despite its name, it's not related to elephants, but uses its snout to sniff out insects and small invertebrates in African savannahs.

63. Sable Antelope

These majestic creatures have curved horns that spiral and curve backward. They can be found in the grasslands of Africa, where they use their sharp hooves to defend themselves from predators and compete for mates.

64. Snowy Owl

Snowy owls are like arctic ghosts, with pure white feathers that help them blend perfectly into the snow-covered landscapes they reside in. They have keen eyesight that allows them to spot prey from far distances, making them excellent hunters in their frosty habitats.

65. Shad

These are silver-colored fish. They are known for their springtime migration upstream to spawn in freshwater rivers.

66. Stonefish

These creatures are masters of disguise and look nothing like fish when you first lay eyes on them. They seamlessly blend into their rocky habitats on the ocean floor thanks to their camouflaged appearance and venomous spines.

67. Stag Beetle

These bugs have intimidating jaws that look like the antlers. Despite their fierce appearance, they are harmless to humans and spend the majority of their time flying through the night sky.

68. Seagull

These birds are great scavengers and can usually be found near beaches. They have great eyesight and can spot food from high in the sky, swooping down gracefully to snatch up things like fish, crabs, and even leftovers from picnics.

69. Shortfin Mako Shark

Did you know these are the fastest sharks in the ocean? They are capable of swimming up to 60 miles per hour. Their streamlined bodies and powerful tails help them zip through the water.

70. Spotted Seal

These are playful marine mammals known for their distinctive spots and cheerful demeanor. They love to bask in the sun while floating on ice and can dive deep to catch fish in the chilly waters of the Arctic and North Pacific.

71. Snowshoe Hare

These fluffy animals have the ability to change color with the seasons, from brown in summer to white in winter, to blend into their snowy surroundings. They also have large, furry feet that act like snowshoes, which helps them hop effortlessly through deep snow.

72. Saber-toothed Salmon

This fish is now extinct. They were fierce fish back in the day and known for their canine-like teeth, which they used for catching prey. They roamed the rivers of North America millions of years ago.

73. Snail

These creatures carry their homes on their backs. Their shells are made of calcium and grows with them throughout their lives.

74. Sand Eel

These eels are slender fish that burrow into sandy sea beds. They are also impressive swimmers and can even swim backwards.

75. Scarab Beetle

These beetles are ancient symbols of rebirth and regeneration, revered in ancient Egyptian culture. They are known for rolling balls of dung as food for their larvae and can be found in diverse habitats worldwide, from forests to deserts.

76. Sand Lizard

These reptiles are masters of camouflage, blending perfectly into sandy habitats with their tan-colored scales. They also love to bask in the sun to warm up and are excellent climbers.

77. Smooth Hammerhead Shark

These sharks have unique heads that resemble the shape of a hammer. Its shape actually allows them to detect electrical signals from prey buried in the sand.

78. Southern Tamandua

These animals are tree-climbing anteaters with long tongues that can reach up to 16 inches, which help them slurp up ants and termites. They are nocturnal creatures found in the forests of Central and South America.

79. Squil

These small marine creatures are related to shrimp and lobsters. They have the ability to bury themselves in sand or mud and have specialized antennae and eyes that help them navigate and find food on the ocean floor.

80. Spotted Hyena

These hyenas are highly social and intelligent creatures that live in large clans led by dominant females. They are most known for their eerie laughs, which they use to communicate with each other and establish social bonds.

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81. Sloth Bear

Sloth Bears live across India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and Bangladesh. They are playful creatures that use their long claws to dig for insects, like termites and ants. Once they find them, they usually suck the insects directly into their mouths like a vacuum cleaner.

82. Sunbittern

These birds have wings adorned with striking patterns that resemble eyes, which they display when they get startled to help intimidate predators. They are also skilled hunters and use their long legs to catch insects, small fish, and amphibians along riverbanks in Central and South America.

83. Silver Fox

Despite their name, these foxes are not exactly metallic in color. Instead, they are a variation of red with a silver-gray fur that makes them look like they're wearing a coat of armor.

84. Swan Goose

These geese are large waterfowl known for their distinctive honking calls. They migrate thousands of miles each year between their breeding grounds in Siberia and their wintering grounds in East Asia.

85. Scottish Fold

These cats are known for their adorable folded ears, which can make them look as if they are wearing a tiny hat. They have sweet personalities and Taylor Swift even owns one.

86. Sage Grouse

These birds are native to North America. They are known for their elaborate courtship displays, which involve inflating air sacs on their chests and making popping sounds with their tail feathers.

87. Shingleback Skink

These creatures are also referred to as "Stumpy-Tailed Lizards.” They are monogamous reptiles that form strong pair bonds and are native to the arid regions of Australia.

88. Skylark

These are small songbirds known for their harmonious and uplifting songs, which they sing while soaring high in the sky. They build their nests on the ground and are famous for their joyful morning serenades.

89. Silky Anteater

These small tree-dwelling mammals have silky fur and a long tail that they use to grip branches while climbing. They primarily eat ants and termites, using their sticky tongue to extract them from nests in the treetops.

90. Sand Tiger Shark

These toothy predators have a fierce appearance. They have a unique habit of swallowing air to help them float motionless in the water, making them skilled at ambushing their prey.

91. Short-beaked Echidna

These creatures look like porcupines because of their spikes. They are unique mammals known as monotremes, which means they lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young.

92. South American Rattlesnake

These rattlesnakes are venomous. They also have heat-sensing pits on their faces, which help them detect warm-blooded prey that’s nearby, like rodents and birds.

93. Striped Bass

These fish are known for their sleek bodies that have dark, horizontal stripes. They are strong swimmers and migrate between freshwater rivers and the salty ocean.

94. Stilt

These are long-legged birds that gracefully wade through shallow waters in search of small fish and insects. Their slender legs help them navigate marshy habitats without sinking.

95. Stork

These birds may be known for delivering babies in storybooks. However, in real life they are top-notch nest builders and parents.

96. Sooty Tern

When it comes to flying, these birds are experts. In fact, they can stay in the air for months at a time without ever touching land.

97. Short-eared Owl

Unlike other owls who are up at night, these owls are active during the daytime. They tend to hunt small rodents like mice and voles in open grasslands and marshes.

98. Swordtail Fish

These fish are small and colorful freshwater fish that have long, sword-like tails, which males use to impress females during courtship displays. They are peaceful and easy to care for, making them popular aquarium pets around the world.

99. Salamander

It’s true: Some salamanders have the ability to regenerate lost limbs. They can regrow their tail, and even parts of their heart and brain.

100. Snowshoe Cat

This breed has been around since the 1960s. They have short hair and they get their cute name from their unique feet markings.

101. Sheepdog

These pups have super fluffy white and gray coats. They were originally used to guard sheep and other livestock.

Next: 15 of the Fastest Animals in the World (Reaching Speeds up to 240 MPH!)