David Colquhoun

Associate Professor David Colquhoun is an integrative cardiologist at Wesley Medical Centre and Greenslopes Private Hospital in Brisbane.

Q. What motivates you most in your work?

Like any doctor, knowing that I can relieve suffering, make people feel well and, importantly, make a huge impact on decreasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. In terms of research, it's motivating to discover something new that improves health.

Q. What does being healthy mean to you?

Feeling good about myself, feeling alive and energetic, and not being debilitated by heart disease.

Q. What is your wellbeing wish for Australian women 40+?

More awareness that coronary heart disease is the number one threat to Australian women. Also, to see 100,000 people 'Go Red' and fill the Melbourne Football Stadium on a big awareness day (www.goredforwomen.com.au).

Q. What is it that excites you about being part of Prevention?

Being given the opportunity to get the message out that coronary heart disease is still a very important issue and that it can be prevented with simple lifestyle changes.

More about Colquhoun:

Associate Professor David Colquhoun has a special interest in the prevention of heart disease and is the Australian Medical Association of Queensland’s cardiology spokesperson and an associate professor at The University of Queensland. He was the only cardiologist invited to the 2020 Summit in 2008 and is a member of the Queensland Government taskforce for chronic disease prevention.

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