Rosie Batty has been named Victorian of the Year

Rosie Batty named Victorian of the Year

Domestic violence awareness advocate Rosie Batty has been named the 2015 Victorian of the Year in a ceremony held on Tuesday night.

In February when Batty’s 11-year-old son Luke was murdered by his father while at cricket practice in rural Victoria.

Since then, Batty has dedicated herself to campaigning for domestic violence awareness, becoming a voice for women in abusive relationships.

“Luke would be proud of me,” Batty said in her acceptance speech. “I’m here because of Luke and I’m here because one in three women is affected by family violence.”

“Every day I receive messages from people saying how much of a difference it makes to their lives with me talking and raising awareness,” Batty said. “I didn’t want Luke to have died in vain and my quest was to do whatever I could.”

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