Women better off without bras

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For most women, it’s simply a matter of function over fashion when it comes to bras. While many women believe that they offer support, a new study shows that bras are little more than a ‘false necessity’.

The 15-year French study involved 330 volunteers aged between 18 and 35. Researchers measured their breasts and recorded any changes during the study period.

Surprisingly, women who did not wear bras had a 7 millimetre lift as measured from their nipples each year. Their breasts were also firmer and their stretch marks faded.

RELATED: How to choose the right sports bra


The sports medicine specialist who published the study, Professor Jean-Denis Rouillon, suggests that bras ‘are not needed’ as they could ‘prevent supporting tissues from growing’, and that breasts might be less likely to sag without one.

“The first results validate the hypothesis that the bra is not needed. Medically, physiologically, anatomically, the breast does not benefit from being deprived of gravity,” he says.

Professor Rouillon also believes ‘absence of a bra could keep breasts in shape’ and prevent back ache.

“The decision not to a wear a bra appeals to women in terms of comfort and aesthetics. Contrary to popular belief, the breast does not fall, but tightens and lifts, and the quality of the skin improves.”

GALLERY: The best sports bras

Duncan Robinson
Duncan Robinson