Viagra a possible cure for boy’s giant tumour

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Jose Serrano was born with a cystic growth on his neck, restricting his breathing and movement.

The growth is as big as his head, but now doctors hope taking Viagra, which has been discovered to shrink growths in children, will help cure him of the painful condition.

Surgeons are desperate to operate on Serrano but they will have to wait until the growth is a lot smaller.

In the meantime, the drug makers of Viagra, Pfizer, have agreed to cover the cost of the Viagra while missionaries, fundraisers and a New Mexico hospital are helping to fund the costs of the operation.

"It's been difficult," his mother Cindy told the The Daily Mail. ‘People stare at him. Some of them have these terrible, morbid looks on their faces.

"We've tried to let Jose lead as normal a life as possible. We let him do everything the other children do, unless it's unsafe for him or will be too difficult. But sometimes he gets so sad because he is different from other kids. Until now there was simply no money to treat him."

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While the tumor contains painful cysts that are invading Serrano's lungs and approaching his windpipe making it difficult to breathe, Serrano is excited for the day he'll be able to do things like any normal boy his age can do.

"If the doctors can cure me I will be so happy. I would be thrilled. I would be healthy and I'd be able to do anything I want. I could run fast, play on the swings and rings - anything I want," he told The Daily Mail.


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