If You're New To Making Pizza, Don't Make This Rookie Topping Mistake

homemade pizza on table
homemade pizza on table - New Africa/Shutterstock

It's always exciting when pizza is on the menu, and there's nothing quite like the anticipation of waiting for the delivery or driving home with a piping hot pie. Making a pizza at home might seem daunting, but it's actually pretty easy — and really fun. You do, after all, get to make your perfect pizza, from choosing the crust to the toppings, and the sky's the limit. Maybe you're feeling like a honey-pear pizza with pear, smoked gouda, basil, and a drizzle of honey? There are also fun ideas like a grilled pizza with corn, prosciutto, and tarragon, or perhaps a classic white pizza just hits the spot.

Start making your own pizzas, and experimenting with toppings will become the norm. As delicious as they can be, toppings are also one way for things to go sideways in an occasionally literal way, and there's just one easy-to-make mistake that can turn even the best dough into a soggy, floppy mess. We get it. We all love toppings. However, putting too many on your pizza is a recipe for disaster.

Read more: The 101 Best Pizzas In America

Using Too Many Toppings Causes Several Major Problems

people making pizza at home
people making pizza at home - Eclipse_images/Getty Images

Even though it's tempting to pile on the cheese, add an entire pack of pepperoni, or use a whole jar of olives on your homemade pizza, you definitely should not do that. It doesn't matter how perfect your dough is; it can be ruined by a layer of toppings that's too thick.

There are a few things that happen when you try to bake a pizza with a ton of toppings. To get a firm crust that holds up when you pick up a slice, the dough needs to be able to release moisture as it bakes. It can't do that if it can't breathe through the toppings, and it's one major cause of a floppy, completely unappetizing crust. Problems with moisture retention and sogginess can be compounded by the addition of wet ingredients like olives, jalapeño peppers, and other vegetables, and too many toppings means it's likely that the top will burn before the crust cooks to crispy perfection. If you've ever grabbed a slice of pizza only to have it sag and drop everything onto your plate in a soggy mess, maybe the reason wasn't the crust but what was on top.

So, what are the limits? Stick to a maximum of four or five toppings, and add sprinkling, not a heap. To ensure proper baking, raw and wet ingredients should be pre-cooked before being added ... in moderation.

Read the original article on The Daily Meal.