Your 2012 Horoscope - Scorpio


October 24 – November 22
LOVE Striving to nurture your soul’s connection with your partner will lead to a more emotional focus. Taking a major financial step with your mate may cause tensions if you don’t establish clear-cut intentions.
Singles You’ll find someone who offers stability and sincerity – the chemistry will grow as you find more to like and love about them.

MONEY A new financial undertaking as well as insurance, superannuation or tax matters will keep money issues to the fore. Stay alert – there’ll be complex aspects to grasp as you go. Seminars, training programs or skill-building heralds work prospects, but prepare for changes of roles or even jobs.


FAMILY Family pressures will be taxing, but it’ll be a labour of love. Home repairs will need planning and effort, but working through steadily will fulfil your vision. An exciting family project will be expensive but bring joy all round.

TRAVEL Fun in the water with a cruise or seaside holiday could be on the cards. Swimming, snorkelling, surfing or languishing in or beside an exotic pool will have relaxing effects and help recharge you. The setting will be magic: passion will thrive with beautiful sights and surroundings.

Lucky numbers: 9, 38, 45
Best month: January
Prosperity tip: The key to success is how you relate to other people – brush up your listening skills, and even if they don’t seek to understand you, seek to understand them. You’ll build positive connections.
Mantra: ‘I can forgive everyone for everything and I am free!’

Julia Roberts

A passionate woman, when Julia (born October 28, 1967) sets her sights on a goal she pursues it with resolute determination. She’s intense and tempestuous with uncompromising professional standards, and a high achiever who’ll always take on projects that challenge her. She will need to avoid overtaxing herself in 2012.

Words: Karen Moregold
Illustrations: Elisa Mazzone at