Your 2012 Horoscope - Capricorn


December 22 – January 20
LOVE Fun’s an aphrodisiac: playful times with your mate enjoying a pursuit that promotes satisfaction in each other’s company, plus romantic outings, will spark spontaneous bouts of passion.
Singles An attraction that’s had a long, slow burn will now flare brightly – your long-held desires could push this romance towards a solid commitment.

MONEY Waves of extra work will bring in loads of cash. A work opportunity that’s been a long time in the making will help you score a long-desired success, and a tough situation that’s required discipline and endurance will fade away.

FAMILY Questioning where you want to live or making changes to your home will raise interesting options. When you feel out of step with a family member, you may not be able to close the gap but genuine acceptance of who they are will bridge it.

TRAVEL Going back to a place that has a history for you will be nostalgic and emotional – people you used to know and sights and activities you used to enjoy will all come rushing to mind, and a feast of reunions and reminiscing will be in turns exuberant and bittersweet. A deep-seated memory might even resurface that adds a sensitive nuance.

Trim the sails! It's time to start steering your ship towards warmer waters.

Lucky numbers: 8, 29, 39
Best month: January
Prosperity tip: How you take charge, motivate and organise others, and pick up any slack with tough issues or projects, will show your leadership skills.
Mantra: ‘Every challenge is an opportunity in disguise – I embrace life’s opportunities to show what I can achieve.’

Kate Middleton

Kate (born January 9, 1982) has a gracious natural charm, a warm heart and a sensible outlook. She thinks for herself and balances a progressive view of the world with a deep respect for royal traditions and responsibilities. This year may have hectic patches but also its fair share of romantic and joyful experiences... and possibly a baby!

Words: Karen Moregold
Illustrations: Elisa Mazzone at