What Women Want From Work

What Women Want From Work

A new survey by LinkedIn has found that women place more importance on flexibility in the workplace than a big paycheck.

Of the 5,300 women polled by the social networking site, the majority elected “flexibility” as the definition of success.

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"(What) really piqued our interest was the fact that the majority of women are now defining success as achieving professional and personal balance —as opposed to five or 10 years ago, when women were defining success as having power and money,” LinkedIn career expert Nicole Williams told international press. “Having flexibility is what feels most like success to women today."


The findings mean increasing pressure on workplaces to provide flexible working conditions for women.

"In the past, women haven’t felt like they can take advantage of flexibility policies because they felt like they’d be penalised,” said Williams. “It’s now on employers to become smarter and more creative about such arrangements, because female professionals are now demanding that level of attention."

On the flipside, 80 per cent of those surveyed also said they believe women really can “have it all”, ie, children, career and relationship.

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“This means the persistent gender wage gap won’t be lessening anytime soon,” said Williams.

How much importance do you place on flexibility in the workplace? Have your say at marie claire's Facebook page.