The Bachelorette Finale: “I’m crazy in love”

It was an emotional decision for Sam Frost on tonight's finale. Photo: TEN

After four months of keeping the nation’s biggest secret, The Bachelorette Australia star Sam Frost, 26, finally got to live out her fairytale ending when she declared her love to frontrunner Sasha Mielczarek, 30, in tonight’s emotional finale.

While Frost tells WHO, “I feel so lucky. I can’t believe it worked!” –– and that she and her Sydney construction manager beau see marriage and babies in their future –– it sadly wasn’t the romantic outcome that Brisbane soccer player and real estate agent Michael Turnbull, 34, had set his heart on. “When it happened in real life, it was hard for a long time,” he tells WHO. “I was really prepared to give it a go. So I hope she gives it one hundred per cent with Sasha."


How are you feeling?
You know what? Because I knew the outcome and it’s been some time [since filming wrapped], I am actually excited, because I am happy for Sam and Sasha. I really am.

Sasha (3rd left) with second runner-up Richie (1st left) and Michael (1st right) with five other contestants who competed for Sam's heart. Photo: TEN

What’s it been like for you watching the show back for the past five weeks?
It’s been great! The best part was seeing how the other guys were with Sam. I’ve been hysterically laughing most of the time. It has been really great; a really important experience for me.

How difficult is it to talk about the outcome and essentially have to relive it?
When it happened in real life, it was hard for a long time. It took me a while to feel positive again. Regardless of what anyone believes, I was heavily emotionally invested in Sam and to me it was very real, and it did hurt a hell of a lot. Over time it has gotten better—Sam has found someone that makes her so happy and that’s what I get happiness from.


How hard has it been keeping the secret for the past four months?
When people ask you about it 17 times a day, it keeps reminding you of that really terrible moment of your life. Probably the hardest thing has been to keep a smile on my face and remain positive and upbeat, when it did hurt a hell of a lot.

Were you heart broken?
Yeah, I was. I told the woman I loved her. And I said it because in that moment I did. I stand by it and I don’t regret anything. For me to be hurt, it happens very rarely, so it hasn’t been easy. I think I have said, “I love you,” like, twice in my life.

Michael gives Sam a kiss during a visit to his home town. Photo: TEN

Did you cry?
You know what? I’ll say I didn’t cry in front of the cameras.

Is it possible to experience true emotion with the cameras around?
When I told Sam I loved her—that particular moment, in those circumstances—it’s real. Only for the first week two do you notice the cameras. In that situation, I did love her, and that’s how it was.


How surprised were you to not receive Sam’s final rose?
I wasn’t surprised. I think I knew in the morning because I had a really early wake-up call that day and I was like, “There is no way Sasha is waking up before me!” I know the amazing guy Sasha is and I know they had a very strong connection. I’d swap the word “surprise” with “hoping.” I was just hoping it was going to be me. But that’s Sam’s choice and I support her.

Did you feel satisfied with Sam’s explanation over her final decision?
The reason was that her feelings were stronger for Sasha. That’s all I needed to hear. That’s enough for me and I appreciate that.

Did you get to say everything you wanted to Sam?
Yes. I was always honest to her. And the fact that I was accused of being a smooth-talker by a lot of people…

What would you like to say about that accusation?
I mean, just because I have the ability to put words into a sentences well and express my emotion as a bit of a wordsmith — I think some people get a little bit intimidated. I was speaking from the heart. So I certainly know I wasn’t doing [smooth-talking]. Let the haters hate!

Sasha has been a fan-favourite from the start. Was he an obvious frontrunner to the other bachelors during filming?
Absolutely. All the boys from very early on pegged myself, Richie and Sash as Top 3, although I thought I’d go in the first week. Two or three weeks in, you could see there was a relationship forming with Sasha and Sam, and I always thought Sasha was going to be right up there.


Do you think Sam has found a lasting love-match with Sasha?
I really hope so. She obviously trusted her gut and she went for it. It would be hard for me to see it fizzle out, because I was really prepared to give it a go. So I hope she gives it one hundred per cent.

Do you think you’ll be friends with Sam in the future?
I would like to think so. I’m a realist and I respect her, so I don’t know if we will be hanging out every weekend! But if I saw her out I would love to have a chat. And with Sasha, I don’t think there would be a reason we couldn’t.

Have you been in contact with either of them since filming?
Sasha and I have caught up a few times and I’ve spoken to him a lot on the phone. We’re close friends.

What went on that we didn’t we get to see on screens?
I smile a hell of a lot and they don’t show me smiling on this show! People have seen the serious side of me, but I was always taking the piss and smiling and laughing. I take the piss out of myself most of the time!

Michael and a dog pose in a shoot for WHO, directed by Sam. Photo: TEN

Have you been on any dates since the show wrapped?
No, I have been on emotional lockdown because it did really affect me. I have taken a lot of time by myself to kind of regroup, focus on where I want to go, and reflect. So I am single and just taking my time.

What have you done to help you through this process?
My sister flew out to support me. Family has been the rock for me.

Do you have any regrets?
Yeah — I didn’t win! That’s my only regret; she didn’t choose me! But that’s not up to me.

Would you consider being the next Bachelor if asked?
I consider any opportunities that are presented to me. But I’ve just been going through a regrouping stage. Now that tonight’s episode has aired, I will be able to move forward a little bit. I will just wait and see how I feel and take it from there, I guess.

Are you still looking for love?
Yeah, the search continues. Definitely. I want it more now.