Dying Woman Completes Bucket List

Brittany Maynard (left) with her mother Debbie (right). Photo: thebrittanyfund.org

Brittany Maynard, who was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumour last year and plans to take her own life in early November, has ticked off the final item on her bucket list.

On Oct. 21, the 29 year old visited the Grand Canyon for the first—and likely last—time.

"The canyon was breathtakingly beautiful," said Maynard, who lives in Portland, Oregon, in a statement about the daylong tour with husband Dan Diaz, mum Debbie Ziegler and stepfather Gary Holmes, "and I was able to enjoy my time with the two things I love most: my family and nature."

In an online video she posted on Oct. 6, she had said, “Before I pass I’m hoping to make it to the Grand Canyon."

Maynard intends to end her life on Nov. 1 by taking a fatal dose of barbiturates prescribed by a doctor, an act that’s legal for certain terminally ill patients in Oregon.

"I can always change my mind if something comes up," she told WHO, “but right now that’s the plan I’ve made."

By going public, the former teacher has become the face of a controversial movement. She teamed with Compassion & Choices, an end-of-life-choice advocacy organisation, to fight for expanding right-to-die laws in the US. "To be able to die with my family with me, to have control of my own mind ... to go with dignity is less terrifying," she told WHO.

For now Maynard continues to cherish the time she has left. The morning after the Grand Canyon trip she had her “worst seizure” so far, she said in the statement. "My speech was paralyzed for quite a while after I regained consciousness.” Even in that, she finds comfort. “When I feel good, I capitalize on it,” she says. “When I’m not feeling well, I’m very fortunate that my family takes care of me."