Your Weekly Tarotscope Is Here

three tarot cards face down
Your Weekly Tarot Reading Is Here! Getty/Margie Rischiotto

You don't need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here's what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!


three of swords tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Aries season and Mercury Retrograde this week—yikes! Expect the unexpected and be ready for anything and everything, and remember that chaos is actually an agent of opportunity. See the things falling apart as natural and unseen forces delivering openings for you to step into and create new pathways and purpose. The Three of Swords asks you to pay particular attention to relationships that feel wobbly, tense, or even negative. Take people at their word. Let them show (instead of tell) you what their intentions are. The amount of effort people make towards you reveals the true nature of their feelings. Notice stuff. Be objective. Don’t make excuses for poor behavior. Act on it accordingly.


the hermit tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

2025 is the year of The Hermit (because, numerologically, 2025 adds up to 9, and 9 matches The Hermit in the major arcana). So, this week feels like a BIG week in 2025 for you. The theme will be private and personal enlightenment, a sense of new understanding and awareness, and a special insight that unlocks a new option or opportunity for you. Spend time in deep reflection and meditation this week. Get your journal out and scribe your thoughts and feelings. Look inwards. Something powerful is going to emerge that will change the tone and trajectory of 2025.


temperance tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

You are the most grounded and stable creature in the zodiac, represented by the stoic bull. Temperance matches that perfectly as it’s all about balance, grounding, feeling secure and rooted in a reality that is safe and predictable. Boring, basically. But, boring is good, right? It is, trust me. Knowing your routine, your highs and lows, your go-to and trusted people, places, and activities is a GIFT in this chaotic life. So, spend this week tuning in to your grounding and predictable routines and rituals. Celebrate and honor them. They keep you sane, my friend!


strength tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Very few folk get to see your vulnerable underbelly. Very few people know of your ongoing, daily struggles and battles. You present an upbeat and strong face to the world, but behind the scenes there’s always a lot going on as you lead a big, full, ambitious life. Strength shows up this week to praise, applaud, and reassure you that you’re doing great and you got this! You have handled your trials admirably, you have taken on life lessons, you have grown personally. You are not a coward nor a cavalier. You face life head on, deal with things, and learn from it. Well done.


ten of wands tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Take it easy this week, Cancer (music to your ears, I know). Stay home, get to bed early, cut out unhealthy habits and influences, focus on relaxation and calming activities, settle your mind, unwind your body, do yoga, eat nutritious foods, be outside in nature, turn your face to the spring sunshine. The Ten of Wands urges you to declutter, streamline, and simplify your life this week. Back to basics. Fatigue and overwhelm are hovering close by, and your mind, body, and spirit need a reset.


knight of swords tarot card
Margie Rischiotto/Rider-Waite

Get your claws out, lion, because you have got a fight on your hands. The Knight of Swords is warrior energy and brings you the weaponry and armor you require to head into this battle and win. It’s a matter of assertiveness more than aggression. It’s about knowing what you’re standing for and standing firm and true in that position. Not many people can overcome Leo in full flow and that is your mode this week. Meet every skirmish head on. Nip dissent in the bud. Speak up as soon as you feel the tension mount. Overcome this conflict and win. And then celebrate.


the empress tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Love is the theme of the week ahead for you, Virgo, with the loving, beautiful Empress card. Family ties will strengthen, pets will cuddle up to you, and romantic relationships will flourish. If you’re single, look out for calm, languid, charismatic Taureans and Librans. Expect to be swept off your feet and to fall in love! The keys to unlocking The Empress’s magic is to practice self love, make yourself feel desirable and special, and to notice nature and its rhythms and forces. Get outside. Get sun on your face. Feel good.


ace of pentacles tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Start something new this week Libra, because the Ace of Pentacles blesses all new endeavors with luck, joy, and success. The key with this card is investment in self—so health, wealth, career, and home are all under the spotlight. Get your foundations right. Get your life basics in order. Start something that will sustainably deliver results and rewards for every ounce of effort you put into it. This project or goal can be up to one year long in duration; this is a long game, not an overnight overhaul. Invest in self.


justice tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

You are, frankly, capable of pretty much anything, Scorpio! There’s not an action or move under the sun that probably hasn’t passed your mind at one time or another—good, bad, or downright ugly. This week, however, the focus is firmly on the forces of goodness and righteousness. Justice means that Lady Karma is watching you closely and taking notes on how you’re handling something difficult. So, do the right thing. Take the hard road towards the best outcome, not the short cut or the underpass. Set a good example, align your actions with your conscience, and all will turn out right.


wheel of fortune tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

The concept and experience of change and transformation is second nature to you because you’re a natural free-wheeling spirit and self improver. You understand innately that nothing remains static, that life is a constant progression, and that is ebbs and flows. Remember that this week, Sag, because The Wheel of Fortune brings a whole flurry of new news, activity, opportunity, and energy into your realm. Ride the waves, go with the flow, see what happens. Don’t try to control events. Everything will turn out as it is meant to.


the sun tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider/Waite

Capricorn is one of my favorite signs (my partner and my mother), so I love seeing you guys get The Sun. This is the most positive card in the tarot deck and predicts a happy, joyful, successful, and magical week ahead. The trick here is to be confident (fake it if you don’t feel it). Be bold and pro-active. Take overt steps towards ambitions and dreams you yearn to make a reality in your life. Apply, pitch, propose, demand, ask, book, schedule, invite, jump in! If you don’t try, you don’t win. It's all about play for this week!


the high priestess tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Step outside of ordinary reality this week, Aquarius, with The High Priestess. She is the patron saint of passive, feminine, intuitive wisdom and knowledge, often passed to you through extra-sensorial experiences. It’s time to get a lil bit spooky! Meditate, scry (aka scream and cry heh), read your cards, visit a medium, moon bathe, write poetry, walk with your ancestors, gaze into flames, read the clouds. Look for signs and omens and notice more than what is overtly presented to you. Incredibly powerful and useful revelations are heading your way.


five of swords
Getty/Margie Rischiotto

Seek the peaceful, amicable, low-risk solution to any and all conflict, disagreement, tension, or upheaval in your realm right now. Don’t add any more fuel to any more fires, however triggered you feel, because you’ll only spend way longer putting them all out, and that’s even more tiresome, right? The Five of Swords promises that resolutions are open and available, and that you’re the key person to present them as everyone trusts and loves you. Mediation is your super power, Pisces, and it's time to flex it.

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