Your Weekly Tarot Reading Asks You to Reset Your Relationships

three tarot cards face down
Your Tarot Reading for the Week Is HereGetty/Margie Rischiotto

You don't need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here's what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!


strength tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

The major astro event of this week in the New Moon solar eclipse in Libra, which hits the re-set button on any toxic, unbalanced, or damaged relationships in your world. The Strength tarot card gives you all the courage, compassion, humility and wisdom to deal with these relationship dynamics. Speak your mind, listen to feedback even if it's uncomfortable, make your choice, and then take action. This is a time for growth!


king of pentacles tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Others are looking to you to lead them this week. This could be about something practical, likely in the workplace, but it could also be related to money or repairs at home. You are simply the best person for the job, so take it on with grace. Use this as a learning experience and enjoy the gratitude you’ll receive for getting the job done. You don’t realize the strength others see in you. Enjoy it!


ace of pentacles tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

A new phase of investment is beginning this week—maybe it's financial, or maybe you're investing time and energy into your health or career. Whatever this is, it's going to take up to one year to come to full fruition, but each step you take will bring mini rewards. This is the right path. Good things come to those who work hard, and that would be you, Taurus! You are starting a long-term plan that will lead to success. Aim high.


temperance tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Temperance is all about moderation and balance, which might sound a little boring to you, Gemini, but it's actually the best thing. See, you're at risk of burning out. You need to avoid extremes, both mentally and physically. Don’t do too much. Don’t work too hard or party too long. Stay grounded and secure. Find your feet, plant them, and operate from that position.


nine of cups tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Dreams DO come true: You know it, you believe it, you’ve seen it happen for others, and now you want the magic to happen to you. Are you sure, Cancer? Because all dreams come with a price tag, an unexpected consequence or outcome. If you’re okay with that, then let’s get that magic going! The Nine of Cups grants you one wish this week. You can have your heart’s desire if you believe in it, visualize it, and take steps to make it happen. It might take a little longer than the week, but it’s coming real fast, real soon. Get ready!


ace of wands
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Aces represent new beginnings, and the Wands represent education, travel, lifestyle, and creativity. So what tickles your fancy this week, Leo? What new activity or ambition would you like to use this powerful New Moon energy for? Sometimes, the Ace of Wands points to something you did in your past that you stopped because of time, money, or circumstance. Maybe you can pick it up again now. Why not?


three of pentacles
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

You’re so used to being the person who helps everyone else that it often doesn’t occur to you that asking for help yourself IS a valid, necessary, important, and positive option. Why struggle alone? There are so many people who would love to help out. The Three of Pentacles acknowledges your good reputation and reminds you that we can all go further in a team than alone. Get your team in to help out. Don’t struggle alone.


four of wands tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Ready to get to the next level? The Four of Wands is like a promotion offer from the universe, laying out a new level of responsibility and scope that also comes with new, improved levels of reward and recognition. You can’t stay put forever. You have outgrown your current spot, and you’re more than ready to accept a fresh challenge. Go looking for it, ask for it, or even make it up yourself. Ask and you shall receive.


queen of wands
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Are you having fun, Scorpio? And if not, why not? I know life is never all smooth sailing and summer days. I know you’ve got problems like everyone else. But you can’t wait for things to feel perfect before you allow yourself time to celebrate, relax, do nothing, enjoy yourself, see friends, be silly, and play. The Queen of Wands asks you to focus on your sense of fun this week. See it as a project. Go accomplish it!


nine of swords tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Whatever you do, Sagittarius, don’t bottle this issue up and push it back down to be ignored and deflected from for time without end, okay? The Nine of Swords sees you starting to turn secretive about a problem you don’t want to share or even face. If you push it down, it will warp into something bigger and uglier. Your task this week is to share your fears and anxieties with someone. I promise this won’t be as hard as you think, and you’ll find that this issue isn’t half what you feared. Exorcise that demon.


the empress tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Blissful, loving vibes are all around you, Cap—enjoy! You’re a loyal and intensely loving sign, deep down, even if you don’t always lean hard on the PDA or grand gestures. You’re a rock for family and friends, a passionate partner as well as a true ally. The Empress brings romance, passion, love, friendship, and warmth into your world, as well as fertility or a desire to "grow" your nest in some way (maybe by adopting a pet?). Home is your kingdom, your private sanctuary, your most precious place on this Earth. Focus on the love in your home, in your circle, and in your community.


two of cup tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

The Two of Cups is a card about falling in love, or at the very least finding a true soul mate in friendship or creative pursuits. I'm talking about someone who truly *gets* you and is as supportive to you as you are to them. Mutual support is the key to good relationships, isn’t it: So often, things feel unbalanced or one way, but not with the person you’re focusing on this week. This person could be a water sign, so find some Pisces, Cancers, and Scorpios to get to know better.


the world tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

The World is the tarot’s final card and it signifies endings… albeit ones that rapidly lead to new beginnings. You are nearing a cycle of completion, achievement, and fruition. The path to success is almost finished, and when that destination is reached (very soon), you need to have your next goal ready to put into action. Now is also a good time to consider international travel, big moves, or potential connections. Maybe your next ambition is fulfilled in a totally new place?

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