Woman who leant over Beyonce is now getting death threats

If you learn one thing from watching the NBA Finals, this week, it’s that Beyoncé’s fans are relentless.

The singer and her billionaire husband Jay-Z attended Game 3 of the Finals on Wednesday, and a viral moment between Beyoncé and the woman sitting next to her has some of her fans up in arms.

The woman, Nicole Curran - who is the wife of Warriors owner Joe Lacob - leant over Beyoncé to speak to Jay Z, and at one point the unimpressed looking superstar appears to nudge her out of the way.

There’s a lot we don’t know about this situation. We don’t know if Beyoncé was mad, and we don’t know if Beyoncé, Curran, Jay-Z and Lacob are familiar with each other away from the court.

That didn’t stop Beyoncé’s super fans — known as the Beyhive — from letting Curran know they didn’t appreciate her disrespecting the queen. Beyoncé’s fans quickly found Curran’s Instagram page and started flooding it with bee emojis.

Apparently, it went much farther than that. Curran says she had to disable her Instagram account after receiving death threats.

That takes this situation from silly to extremely serious. It’s one thing to harmlessly troll someone with bee emojis. It’s something else entirely to send death threats to people over perceived slights based on a 13-second clip. Don’t do the latter.

Beyonce and Nicole Curran pictured at the NBA finals
Beyonce did not look impressed courtside with Nicole Curran. Photo: Getty

Words by Chris Cwik

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