Unstable EP Breaks Down Finale’s Trump-Inspired Twist, Previews ‘Funny Premise’ of Potential Season 3

An incredibly Unstable genius is setting his sights on the White House.

Now streaming, the Netflix comedy’s second season finale ends with Rob Lowe’s character — semi-disgraced biotech guru Ellis Dragon — announcing his candidacy for President of the United States of America. It’s an unexpected move, though no more so than his decision to start a half-baked “school” known as Ellis U.

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And if all of this sounds familiar, like perhaps it was inspired by a certain former president who’s currently seeking a second term, your instincts are right on the money.

“I would say that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it could be a duck,” the show’s co-star and co-creator John Owen Lowe tells TVLine. “And why not pull from some of the most hilarious things that have happened in the zeitgeist over the past few years? I also just genuinely believe that this is something Ellis would do, and it makes us laugh so hard. If you’re drawing comparisons to real life, you’re probably not wrong.”

And Lowe tells us not to dismiss Ellis’ chances just yet. After all, “There have been many people in the past that I didn’t think had a shred of a chance that have ended up becoming president,” he says. “Anything is possible, and I think it’s a very funny premise to explore, having Ellis in an even more powerful position and Jackson by proxy being forced into his orbit even more.”

So, how does Jackson fit into Ellis’ political future. “He’d become what Ellis would refer to as the First Boy,” Lowe teases. “We even talked about the idea of Ellis deferring having a debate, but rather having the First Children debate.” In other words, Jackson will always have an important role in his father’s life — whether he wants it or not.

What did you think of Unstable‘s second season? And are you hoping that Ellis’ political dreams are fully realized in a potential third season? Grade it in our poll below, then drop a comment with your full review.

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