The Ultimate List: 101 Animals That Start With ‘A’

When it comes to the animal kingdom, the number of creatures whose names begin with the letter "A" is truly remarkable. In fact, you may be surprised to find out that there are hundreds out there, some you’ve probably heard of before and some you might not recognize at all. From agile antelopes in the savannah, to adorable armadillos who curl into protective balls, to acrobatic apes swinging throughout the jungle canopy—the world is swarming with cute animals that start with "A." Each and every one of them adds its unique charm to our ecosystem.

If you've ever been curious about these fascinating creatures, you’re in luck because Parade Pets has compiled an extensive list featuring over 100 captivating animals that start with the letter "A" and fun facts about each one.

Prepare to be amazed by the diversity and wonder found amongst the list of animal after animal beginning with "A" and remember that this is just a glimpse into all of the A-named species. Read on to discover 101 of them, below.

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101 Animals That Start With ‘A’



1. Adélie Penguin

These penguins are known for their playful behavior and are often seen sliding across the ice and snow on their bellies. However, this action isn't just for fun. It’s actually used to help them move swiftly to their nesting sites and feeding grounds without them having to use too much energy.



2. Acorn Woodpecker

These birds get their name from their unique habit of storing acorns in trees, which they use as a food source. Sometimes, they can store tens of thousands of them.



3. Amazon River Dolphin

These dolphins are also referred to as Pink River Dolphins. They are not only unique because of their coloring, but they are one of the few species of dolphin that can bend their necks.



4. Admiral Butterfly

These orange and black butterflies aren’t just pretty; they are great fliers too. Each year, they migrate thousands of miles between their breeding and overwintering ground.



5. Angelfish

These stunning saltwater fish can actually change color based on their mood. When they are feeling stressed about something, their color can fade.

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6. Alpaca

Alpacas live in high altitudes in the South America Andes. Thanks to their friendly nature, many people have them as pets.



7. Arabian Horse

These beautiful horses are different from other horses because they have one less vertebrae in than back. This unique feature contributes to their distinctive high tail carriage.



8. Anteater

Did you know that this animal has a long and sticky tongue? It helps them eat up to 30,000 ants a day by flicking in and out of its mouth up to 150 times per minute.



9. Airedale Terrier

These dogs are the largest of all terrier breeds. Due to their size, sometimes people refer to them as “King Terries.”



10. Abert’s Squirrel

An Abert’s Squirrel’s adorable ear tufts aren’t just for show. They actually help regulate their body temperature too.

11. Alaskan Husky

Did you know that this type of Husky is specifically bred for sled racing and long-distance travel? They are generally a mix between Greyhounds, Siberian Huskies and other northern breeds.

12. Albino Corn Snake

This breed of snake’s coloring is the result of a genetic mutation. Instead of being green, they are white, orange or yellow shades.

13. Afghan Hound

These dogs have been around for thousands of years. In fact, they are one of the oldest dog breeds known to mankind and beloved for their speed, agility and silky coat.

14. Aldabra Giant Tortoise

These turtles can outlive humans. They have one of the longest lifespans of any animal on Earth and can live up to 1,000 years.

15. Aardvark

This animal is known for its unique appearance, which includes having a pig-like snout. Despite their appearance, they are great diggers that can dig a two foot hole in roughly 15 seconds using their powerful claws.

16. Akbash

This stunning Turkish dog has stunning white fur. It has very protective instincts and was once used to guard livestock.

17. Allen’s Hummingbird

These tiny birds can be as small as three inches and only weigh a few grams. Their small size makes them incredibly agile and fast, flapping their wings at a rate of 70 times per second.

18. Alfonsino

These coral-colored fish can be found deep in the ocean. They move around a lot and aren’t afraid to go on long journeys to find food or search for suitable spawning grounds.

19. Aardwolf

Though these animals look like a type of dog, they are actually a hyena species that is insectivorous, eating mainly termites.They can be found in Africa and their name translates to “Earth wolf.”

20. African Penguin

You won’t find these penguins playing in the snow. Instead, they actually inhabit flat, sandy and rocky islands along the coast of Africa. Sadly, these penguins are endangered in large part because of egg poaching, which has now been made illegal.

21. Allosaurus

These dinosaurs roamed the Earth millions of years ago during the Jurassic period. They were a deadly carnivore that ran on up to 21 mph.

22. Alalā

You might mistake these black-feathered birds for crows, which is why they are also called Hawaiian crows. Today, they are extinct in the wild, but live in captivity in the Keauhou and Maui Bird Conservation Centers.

23. African Bush Elephant

These gentle giants have the longest pregnancy of any mammal because their babies require more time to develop since they are large. In fact, they are usually pregnant for 22 months at a time.

24. Alpheid Shrimp

These ocean creatures may not look dangerous, but to their prey they are. In fact, they are referred to as “Pistol Shrimp” because they release deadly air bubbles that can travel 82 feet per second to hit and kill whatever is in its path.

25. Amazon Kingfisher

You don’t want to be in the path of one of these fish because they can swim up to 25 mph. They cannot only swim fast, but they have a dagger-like bill, which they use for spearing prey.

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26. Arctic Fox

These adorable animals look like they belong in a storybook. Their fur is special because it changes color depending on what season it is so that they can camouflage with the show in the winter and the dirt and rocks in the summer.

27. Alligator

Today, two types of alligators remain: the American and the Chinese. While they do love meat, they also enjoy eating fruit, like elderberries and grapes.

28. Amazon Parrot

Coming in many color variations, these birds are striking to see in person. They are not only beautiful, but they are friendly and playful as well.

29. Addax

These antelope-like animals have a whimsical appearance thanks to their signature spiral horns. Because of illegal hunting, they are sadly nearly extinct in the wild.

30. Acadian Flycatcher

These olive-green birds live in forests, swamps and riverside woods. Many people don’t know this, but they can fly backwards.

31. Amazonian Manatee

Amazonian Manatee exclusively reside in freshwater environments. They move around from flooded areas during the wet season to deep bodies of water during the dry season,

32. African Lion

These wild cats are super social. They reside in large groups called prides that can include 40 members.

33. Amberjack

Amberjacks are a giant fish found in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean. They can reach a weight of 178 pounds.

34. American Black Bear

Don’t ever try to outrun one of these bears. They can run at speeds of 35 mph.

35. Amur Tiger

Did you know that these tigers can leap up to 20 feet in distance and up to six feet high? They can also run up to 45 mph.

36. Anaconda

There’s a reason why these snakes are feared by many – they are the largest snakes in the world. They can be 30 feet long and weigh up to 550 pounds.

37. Atlantic Dolphin

These dolphins are master swimmers. They can dive up to 200 feet deep and hold their breath for up to ten minutes.

38. Anchovies

These fish are small and slender in appearance. They are easiest to catch under a full moon because their silver body glistens in the moonlight.

39. American Flamingo

While these birds are known for their Barbie pink hue, they are also very good at balancing on one leg. They can even sleep standing on just one leg.

40. Andean Mountain Cat

Don’t mistake these furry creatures for house cats. They may look similar, but they are extremely wild. You’ll find them living in high elevations in the Andes in South America.

41. Akita Shepherd

These pups are considered national treasures in Japan and represent health, happiness and protection. They make great pets and actually have webbed toes which helps them walk in the snow.

42. Amargasaurus

These dinosaurs roamed Earth during the Early Cretaceous period. Their unique look included two rows of tall spines that ran down their neck and back.

43. Ankole-Watusi

These creatures are a modern-day American breed of domestic cattle. They have the longest horn of any cattle breed, which can grow to be eight feet long.

44. Abyssinian Guinea Pig

These cute creatures have printed coats that resemble swirls and rosettes. However, no two have the same exact pattern.

45. Allen’s Swamp Monkey

You’ll find these monkeys roaming around in the lowland forests of the Congo basin in central Africa. They are pretty social and live in groups of 50 or more.

46. Australian Fur Seal

These sweet animals can be found in the coastal waters and oceans of Australia. They are actually the largest of the world’s eight fur seal species.

47. Affenpinscher

These small toy dogs have a unique appearance consisting of large dark eyes and a protruding lower jaw and lip. They are also hypoallergenic, which makes them great pets if you’re generally allergic to dogs.

48. Alaskan Klee Kai

If you’ve ever wished you had a tiny version of a Husky, this dog resembles one. They are a mixture of Alaskan Huskies, Siberian Huskies, American Eskimo Dogs and Schipperkes.

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49. Angled Sunbeam Caterpillar

These cute caterpillars are green and then change colors when they become butterflies. Males have orange and black wings, while females have white and black wings.

50. American Bulldog

Arriving in the United States during the 17th century, these dogs are popular pets. They also happen to be the most popular mascot in the world with over 40 universities designating them as their beloved school mascot.

51. Antelope

These hoofed animals can be mistaken for a deer. However, their hollow, grooved horns set them apart.

52. African Buffalo

Native to Africa, these giant mammals can be found in floodplains, grasslands, forests and swamps. They weigh up to 2,000 pounds and sport horns that are 4 feet in length.

53. Ant

There are over 12,000 different kinds of ants in the world. While they may be small in size, they are super strong and can lift things that are 5,000 times bigger than their body mass.

54. Anna’s Hummingbird

If you’re on the Pacific Coast, you’re likely to see these birds flying around because tAnna’s Hummingbirds are the most common type of hummingbird in that area. Their emerald green feathers and pink throats make them sight to see.

55. Atlantic Puffin

These black and white seabirds can be seen off the coast of Maine. Thanks to their multicolored beak, they have been given the nickname “Clowns of the Sea.”

56. Anatolian Shepherd

If you’re looking for a giant pet, this breed is for you! They are descended from Mastiffs and can be around 120 pounds.

57. Apennine Wolf

These creatures are the unofficial national animal of Italy. In the 1970s, they almost went extinct due to illegal hunting, however, thanks to strict protection policies put in place, their numbers have since grown.

58. Apple Head Chihuahua

These tiny dogs have heads that resemble the shape of an apple, hence their names. They are as tiny as five inches tall and weigh up to eight pounds.

59. Arambourgiania

Though extinct now, these were one of the largest flying creatures of the Late Cretaceous period. They were estimated to have had a wingspan of 33-39 feet, making them one of the biggest known pterosaurs.

60. American Cocker Spaniel

Even though these dogs were originally bred for hunting, over time they have become beloved pets and companions in America. It’s no surprise why: they are playful, sweet and very affectionate.

61. Aidi

These medium-sized dogs are great herders. They are native to the Atlas Mountains of North Africa and used mainly for guarding and rounding up livestock.

62. Airedoodle

These dogs are a mix of Airedale Terriers and Poodles. They are known to be very smart pets.

63. Arctic Hare

These snowy white animals live in Greenland, the Canadian Arctic Islands and in Northern Canada. They are also extremely fast and can run at speeds of 45 mph.

64. Armadillo

Armadillos have bony plates that cover their legs, back, head and even their tails. They can also live to be 20 years old.

65. Aleutian Tern

These cute birds have a white forehead, which sets them apart from others. They like cold climates and can be found in subarctic regions of the globe.

66. Ape

Apes are primates and the closest relative to humans. They actually share 98% of their DNA with people.

67. American Saddlebred

These beautiful horses are a combination of two breeds: Thoroughbreds and the now extinct Narragansett Pacer. They can be up to 1,200 pounds and come in a variety of shades.

68. Ambrosia Beetle

You’ll never believe where these bugs live. They can be found in tropical places and usually call dead trees their home.

69. African Bullfrog

If you’re looking for these frogs, you’ll find them burrowed in the ground, which is where they hid out while waiting for prey.

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70. Albino Ferret

These white-furred animals don’t just stand out because of their coats. They are actually known for their red eye coloring.

71. Angel Shark

It can be hard to spot these bottom dwellers as they are great at blending in with the sand. They can be found in a variety of habitats, including coastal waters and rocky reefs.

72. Alligator Snapping Turtle

These are the largest freshwater turtles in the world. In fact, males can weigh up to 249 pounds.

73. Ashy Mining Bee

This species of bee can be found in Europe. They are known for digging burrows in the ground for their nest.

74. Alaotra Grebe

Though extinct now, this feather-covered creature resembled a duck in appearance. However, because of their small wings, they could not fly long distances like other birds.

75. Antelope Jackrabbit

These cute creatures are native to North America, typically found in dry desert regions of Arizona and parts of Mexico. While they are adorable, they are also very fast and can run up to 44 mph.

76. American Alsatian

These dogs are quite large pets. They can weigh around 100 pounds and stand over two feet tall.

77. Asian Black Bear

If you ever come in contact with this type of bear, don’t hide in a tree. These bears are excellent tree climbers thanks to their strong arms and sharp claws.

78. Alusky

These pups are a cross between Alaskan Malamutes and Siberian Huskies. They hail from colder climates and have a built-in winter coat that keeps them warm from snow.

79. Asiatic Lion

These lions are also known as Indian Lions. Unlike other species of lion, the majority of their mane grows around their cheeks and jaws, which leaves their ears visible.

80. Asian Golden Cat

This wild cat is native to Asia. However, due to deforestation and poaching, this beautiful creature has been listed as “near threatened” on the IUCN Red List since 2008.

81. Alabai

This animal is a Central Asian livestock guard dog. They can weigh between 110-180 pounds and are sometimes called “Wolf Crushers.”

82. Aye-aye

This lemur was actually thought to be extinct until 1957. Today, they can be found living in trees in Madagascar.

83. Archerfish

These fish are native to Asia, Australia and the Philippines and live in freshwater. They like playing with their food by spitting water at it as it hangs off of vegetation so it falls off into the water.

84. Alpine Goat

These goats are beloved for their milk. Females can produce around 2,700 pounds of milk per lactation cycle, which is normally ten months long.

85. Aruba Rattlesnake

These snakes are venomous, though they have a gentle temperament. As a native species to Aruba, they are protected under conservation efforts to ensure its survival.

86. Arrow Crab

These sea creatures can be found in tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean. They tend to like shallow coastal areas more and thrive in seagrass beds and in coral reefs.

87. Arctic Loon

These birds reside in the Northern Hemisphere and love spending time in the water. In fact, they are great divers and can reach depths of almost 200 feet in search of fish.

88. Alaskan Malamute

These adorable dogs are quite strong. They were originally bred to act as sled dogs and to help the native Inuit people of Alaska haul heavy loads through the ice and snow.

89. Argentine Dogo

These white dogs are very athletic and muscular. They were initially used for hunting.

90. Ainu Dog

This dog breed is native to Japan, specifically the island of Hokkaido. They are medium-sized, come in a variety of colors and are also called Hokkaido Dogs.

91. African Honey Bee

Originally from Africa, these bees can be found in rainforest and deserts. Sometimes, they are referred to as “Killer Bees.”

92. Archaeoindris

Though this animal is now extinct, Archaeoindris were large lemurs. They were so big that they could weigh up to 440 pounds.

93. Agouti

This rodent is native to Central and South America. They are pretty adaptable to different environments and can live in savannas and shrublands.

94. Australian Bearded Dragon

Did you know that this creature has the ability to change its coloring? It’s true. Whenever its mood changes or environment does, it can make itself darker or lighter.

95. Apple Moth

Despite their name, these moths don’t eat apples. They do, however, lay their eggs on apples, which then hatch and feed on apples.

96. Antarctic Toothfish

Believe it or not, these fish can weigh up to 220 pounds. As if that wasn’t impressive enough, they can also live to be 50+ years old.

97. American Avocet

These birds call North America their home. You can find them near wetlands in the northern part of the country.

98. Amazon Tree Boa

If you want to see this type of snake, you’ll have to go to South America where they spend most of their time in the branches of trees in the rainforest. Thanks to their bright green, yellow and orange skin, they can be hard to spot though.

99. Alpine Dachsbracke

This type of dog is typically tri-colored and has black, tan and brown fur. Though they are smaller in size, they were originally used to help owners hunt.

100. Alaskan Pollock

These fish are amazing swimmers. They are known for migrating hundreds of miles to search for food.

101. Agama Lizard

These lizards come in a rainbow of shades. They can be found having combinations of reds, blues, oranges and yellows on them.

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