Twitter Is Dragging Kim Kardashian for Discovering the 'Serial' Podcast 4 Years Late

Photo credit: Randy Holmes - Getty Images
Photo credit: Randy Holmes - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Kim Kardashian, bless her heart, appears to be living four years in the past-a simpler time when Kanye West wore shoes that actually fit his feet, Obama was still president, and the podcast Serial was a thing.

The reality star inexplicably took to Twitter over the weekend to muse "Who has listened to the SERIAL podcast? I’m on episode 4 now and dying to know what you guys think? Is he guilty or innocent?!?!"


To answer Kim's first question: Everyone has listened to the Serial podcast because it came out FOUR YEARS AGO. What! Is! Happening!

Naturally, this moment is what Twitter was made for, so sit back and enjoy.

Kim did defend herself in another tweet, writing "Ok wait so still listening to the serial podcast. But so what I’m 4 years late, I just heard about it!" Fair/fine. Guess I'll just chill out here and wait for her to start tweeting about the Sony hack.


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