Tributes paid to 'cultural giant' Geraint Jarman, 74

Geraint Jarman performing at the Pesda Roc Festival
Geraint Jarman performing at the Pesda Roc Festival in Bethesda [Iolo Penri]

Tributes have been paid to the singer, poet and television producer, Geraint Jarman, who has died aged 74.

Jarman, born in Denbigh, spent his early years in Ruthin before moving to Cardiff with his family.

He was also an actor, and was the voice of Superted in the cartoon series that launched on Welsh language channel S4C in the early 1980s.

In 2017, Jarman won a Special Contribution award from the Cellar for his huge contribution to the Welsh music industry.


Jarman began his career as a poet and composer in the 60s.

He was a member of the band Y Bara Menyn in the early 70s with Meic Stevens and Heather Jones, recording songs such as Mynd i r Bala ar y Cwch Banana.

Among his best known songs are Gobaith Mawr y Garrif, Taxi i'r Tywyllwch, Metu Dal y Pwisau and Gwesty Cymru.

In the tributes to him, he has been called "the cultural giant of Wales" and "one of the most influential ever".

When S4C was established Jarman turned to producing music videos and started long-running weekly programme Fideo 9, which gave a platform to many of Welsh music's future stars.

He "opened so many doors for us in the early days", said musician Mei Gwynedd from the band Big Leaves, who went on to play with Jarman's band.


BBC Cymru Wales and 6 Music DJ Huw Stephens, who was also born and raised in Cardiff, posted on Instagram: "Geraint Jarman. Cwsg mewn hedd. Diolch am bopeth RIP" (Rest in peace. Thanks for everything)."

Geraint Jarman, Heather Jones and Meic Stevens performing. There are three strips of colour - pink, red and pink - distorting their complexion and blurring Heather Jones' guitar
Geraint Jarman, Heather Jones and Meic Stevens performed together under the name Bara Menyn [Sound]