I Thought I Knew What Shock Felt Like — Then I Saw These 18 Photos

I consider myself to be a pretty quick-witted individual.

"I'm as sharp as a tack"

But it still took me a solid 20 seconds to understand each of these wild screenshots from r/HolUp. I wonder how long it'll take you...

1.The sustainability argument:

"A baby is biodegradable"

2.The boyfriend-in-law:

"Chill bro, she is dating both of us. You are my boyfriend in law."

3.The courtroom exchange:

"Because his brain is sitting on my desk in a jar."

4.The "work" gloves:

"Never ordering work gloves off wish.com again"

5.The Incredibles:

"someone cheated"

6.The secret:

"She has not went out drinking since and this was 4 yrs ago."

7.The thirst trap:

"What is that"

8.The priest:

"real question is why is a priest ending up in Hell"

9.The cross:

"I hate to be a stickler, but why is Jesus wearing a cross?"

10.The sandwich:

"Crispy Children Sandwich"

11.The exam:

"when the doc touched his prostate he nutted immediately and fell down knocking over some equipment"
u/SomberRoger40 / Via u/SomberRoger40

12.The siblings:

"is this why you wanted an open casket"

13.The thermometer:

"I accidentally broke my thermometer"

14.The eye test:

"Needless to say I don't think it's good news"

15.The Tarzan truth:

Screenshot of Tarzan with a drawing as well

16.The hitman:

"If so, can I claim self-defense and say he was trying to kill me, but not mention that I hired him?"

17.The friend:

"Hey man I'm sorry to hear, if you need a friend to talk..."

18.And finally, the vampire:

"i vant to eat your coochie"