This $15 Aussie product could cure your acne

If you breathe oxygen, there's a high chance you’ve seen insta posts of A/B/C/D-list celeb covering themselves with what looks like dirt in the shower before puckering up for a selfie. That mystery substance is not actually dirt; it’s a Frank Body coffee scrub that’s helped tonnes of people clear their acne. And it costs less than a bottle of vino.

Sam Frost is a huge fan of the scrub. Photo: Instagram
Sam Frost is a huge fan of the scrub. Photo: Instagram

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Skeptical? We were too. That is until we had a look at the before and after photos of RL people and were flawed by the results.

See for yourself.

Amanda Sherett's skin before she started using Frank scrub (left) and after three months (right). Photo: Instagram
Amanda Sherett's skin before she started using Frank scrub (left) and after three months (right). Photo: Instagram

Amanda Sherett (pictured) says that it didn't take long for her to see results from the original coffee scrub.


"I often do wear a lot of makeup but in both those pictures I'm wearing absolutely nothing that's why you can see all my freckles. Back when I had all that awful acne even makeup wouldn't cover it up, it was still red and had tons of bumps," she says on Instagram. "It took about two to three months for all of it to go away! I could see it getting better after just a few scrubs though."

So how can coffee help cure a hormonal condition like acne? According to Dr Yuri Morgulis, it comes down to caffeine.

“When applied topically to skin caffeine is absorbed through the hair follicles. It has been found that caffeine can have a venotonic effect when applied topically. The venotonic effect is the promotion of venous drainage which can reduce swelling and inflammation,” he tells Be.

The original scrub. Photo: Frank Body
The original scrub. Photo: Frank Body

And Dr Yuri isn’t the only pro weighing in on the benefits of coffee for your skin.


Julia Hunter, MD, a dermatologist at Wholistic Dermatology says, “ A coffee facial scrub can help brighten skin, prevent clogged pores, and soften lines. The acid in coffee gives you some chemical exfoliation on top of mechanical exfoliation… That's what keeps you healthy when bacteria, viruses, and fungi are landing on your skin 24/7," she says.

Tash Oakley using Frank scrub. Photo: Instagram
Tash Oakley using Frank scrub. Photo: Instagram

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As for the Frank Body scrub specifically, there are four key ingredients that affect and improve acne.

  • Caffeine: the caffeine constricts blood vessels, reducing inflammation and increasing circulation for a healthier complexion.

  • Coconut oil: on top of being super hydrating, coconut oil has antibacterial properties which can help prevent breakouts and reduce infections.

  • Granules: massaging ground coffee into the skin it helps to unclog blocked pores while cleansing and toning, reducing the built up of impurities.

  • Venotonic effect: As mentioned by Dr Yuri, the scrub increases venous drainage via constriction of vessels which is triggered by caffeine.


And while we can sit here and school you on all the reasons why the scrub will help your complexion, a picture speaks a thousand words.

So check out some of the success stories below. Oh yeah, and you can get your hands on it here.

Before and after using Frank original scrub. Photo: Instagram
Before and after using Frank original scrub. Photo: Instagram
@aneotername Before and after using Frank original scrub. Photo: Instagram
@aneotername Before and after using Frank original scrub. Photo: Instagram
@vanessaolyy Before and after using Frank original scrub. Photo: Instagram
@vanessaolyy Before and after using Frank original scrub. Photo: Instagram

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