Long-Time Teachers, Share With Us The Differences You've Noticed Teaching Young And Older Generations Of Students

Teachers usher in new generations into the world through education — and those who've been in the field for a while may have taught millennials, Gen Z'ers, and now, Gen Alpha. So, if you're a long-time teacher, we're curious to know: what are the differences you've noticed teaching kids now versus in the past?

A person in a suit is excitedly gesturing with the text "LET'S GET TO LEARNING!" on a website featuring related GIFs and videos
ABC / Via giphy.com

Maybe you've noticed that attention spans in kids now are as short as you've ever seen them. You find you constantly have to redirect your students' focus on the tasks at hand, which ultimately takes time away from learning the lessons.

Child smiling and posing in a classroom, with an adult sitting at a desk in colorful attire watching in amusement

Maybe you've noticed that younger generations are, in general, a lot nicer and more accepting of their peers. Though social media behavior is a whole other conversation, in-class interactions are quite kind.

Four kids indoors, two holding a third on their arms, while the fourth points. Playful atmosphere
Warner Bros. Entertainment / Via youtube.com

Maybe you've been constantly battling students using AI to complete homework assignments — something you never had to worry about until recently.

Person typing on a laptop at a desk, with open books nearby
Izusek / Getty Images

Or perhaps you've found it harder to work with the parents of your students because they're seemingly less involved in their kids' education.

Three people sitting in a classroom setting, engaged in conversation, with desks and school supplies in the background
NBC / Via youtube.com

Whatever the case, if you're a teacher who's been in the field long enough that you've taught different generations of students, we want to know the significant differences you've noticed then versus now. Let us know your story in the comments, or you can anonymously submit it using this form!