Teachers Are Sharing The Extremely Annoying Students They Have In Their Class And, Wow, I Already Have A Migraine

1.The kid who always makes the loudest noise in the world:

Tweet by MishkaJ (@shorry1213) saying, "When the loudest sound in the room is the kid saying...SSSSHHHHH!!! lol!" posted on January 14, 2016

2.The kid that never let's a good number joke go by them:

A tweet from Mrs. Math Teacher requests middle school math textbook writers to avoid using variable "d," the number 69, problems about balls, and nuts

3.The kid who never asks questions when you want them to:

Summary of text meme showing Michael Scott from "The Office" looking confused. Text describes a common classroom scenario where students appear to understand but do not

4. The kid who makes up these wild rules:

Twitter: @WaitWhosPetar

5.The kid who just screams all the time:

tweet reading those kids in your class who scream right when the teacher turns off the lights

6.The kid that makes you say this all the time:

A tweet from MrTooze (@MrTooze) reads: "*waits for class to be silent* My brain: Don’t say it (repeated seven times). Me: It's your time you're wasting, not mine.”

7.The kid that makes you see The Fear:

A meme with a Chihuahua dog looking alarmed. Helicopters and military scenes are overlaid. Text reads, "When you're a teacher and your spouse is suggesting baby names."

8. The kid who thinks they can magically get an A:

Twitter: @teachergoals


9.The kid who can't let any pencil go unsharpened:

Drake meme: In the top image, Drake disapproves of a dull pencil. In the bottom image, Drake approves of a sharp pencil
u/arabidgorilla / Via reddit.com

10.The kid who never, ever listens:

Willem Dafoe with an exaggerated facial expression of exasperation. Text above reads: "The face you make when a kid asks a question you just answered."

11.The kid who never misses an opportunity to share some info no one gives a hoot about:

SpongeBob SquarePants holding hands up joyfully with text: "When you mention a date in class and a student tells you how close it is to their birthday: NOBODY CARES."

12.The kid who lets you know exactly what you said:

Rick Astley singing into a microphone in a church-like setting; a woman labeled "My students" looking on in the background. Text reads, "Me, slightly mispronouncing one (1) word by accident."
u/flooperdooper4 / Via reddit.com

13.The kid who thinks this is an excuse:

A man making an exaggerated face with the text, "BUT TEACHER!! HE WAS ALSO TALKING!!!"

14.The kid who thinks what there mom says has literally anything to do with what the teacher says:

Justin Timberlake looking serious with text overlay: "THE LOOK TEACHERS GIVE WHEN A STUDENT SAYS 'BUT MY MOM SAID...'"

15.The kid who has the loudest mic in existence:

SpongeBob meme depicting chaos, with text: "What it sounds like in the background when some kids log into Zoom."

16.The kid who thinks what other teachers say makes any kind of difference in your class:

Ben Stiller in a comedic scene from "Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story," captioned with a humorous teacher meme about classroom management

17.The kid who always points out the food you have:

Emoji with pleading eyes and hands pointing fingers together, surrounded by text: "WHEN YOU BRING TREATS INTO CLASS AND THE STUDENTS ALL OF A SUDDEN... is for me?"

18.The kid who's always SHOCKED:

Johnny Klaus tweets a meme of surprised Pikachu after students don’t turn in assignments and receive zeroes in the grade book

19.The kid whose desk always looks like this:

very messy desk

20.The kid who is always cracking their back on this kind of chair:

A single plastic chair with a metal frame and a vented backrest stands indoors beside a heater under a window

21. The kid who tries to hide every time a question is asked:

Twitter: @HSTeachProbs


22. The kid who is the first in a long line of annoying kids:

Twitter: @GloriaGooden1

23.The kid who never, ever has a pencil:

Text meme: Scene from a movie with a character who appears frustrated. Text reads: "Student: I haven't written anything because I forgot to bring a pen today. Do you have anything I can use?" "Teacher: I have been teaching for thirty minutes!"

24.The kid that makes everything okay for a second:

Gordon Ramsay meme: "When you're grading tests and you finally get to the smart kid: delicious, Finally, some good f***ing answers."

25.The kid who might as well use a hammer and chisel:

Winnie the Pooh squinting at a paper with text above him that reads, "me trying to decipher handwriting that looks like it was done in a paint shaker."

26.That one kid:

A hand holding a very short pencil with a chewed eraser. The text reads, "EVERY TEACHER KNOWS THIS KID"

27.The kid that makes you want to say this:

Kevin Durant looks down uncomfortably while sitting among a laughing audience, referencing the caption about disrupting class and getting a low math test score