Tarot Is the New Tinder! 6 Steps to Attract Your Dream Lover with Tarot
The ins and outs of relationships can often be confusing. Luckily, Tarot can help guide you through these situations and all their complexities.
The Tarot's symbolism delves deep into the stages of relationships, uncovering hidden themes. It helps you better understand what direction your heart is leading you in.
Whether seeking advice about someone you may be interested in or trying to figure out your current relationship, the Tarot offers a unique look into the path you find yourself on, helping you understand the issue at hand and make choices with confidence and clarity.
6 Steps to Manifest Love Using Tarot
Read on for the manifestation process astrologers and Tarot readers alike swear by.
Step 1: Ask yourself, "What Do I Want?"
The Ace of Wands focuses on renewing passion and excitement, new beginnings, and helps you call in your ideal lover.
Place this card in front of you to welcome in its vital energy. Meditate, staring at its imagery. Keep the divine Tarot card close as you contemplate what you desire in a partner.
Get very descriptive. Journal. What type of personality traits and characteristics do you admire in a love interest? What appeals to you physically? If you have a particular belief system and wish your special person's to match, include that.
Are you looking for someone in a specific career? Provide details, details, details! Remember to include all of the big and little things. Write with the conviction that this person will manifest in your life without you needing to know how or when. Remember, the Universe is listening.
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Step 2: Visualization
The Magician, "the energy of creation," encourages you to play make-believe. What if you could have it all? Keep this Tarot card physically close during step two. It'll help you bring your visions to life, daring to dream big.
Remember, you're the creator of your life and circumstances. Thoughts are things, and manifesting them should be fun. Don't take this process too seriously or stress yourself out.
Close your eyes and imagine a day in life with your ideal lover. How do you feel? What are you doing? Focus on every detail as long as you can, bringing the emotions to life in your heart.
Step 3: Write It Down
The Queen of Swords is your trusted advisor during the manifesting process. She is all about clear communication. Keeping this Tarot card close allows you to articulate your manifestations with precision.
Writing down your thoughts and what you wish to communicate to your subconscious is the best way to organize them. If putting pen to paper isn't your thing, many online journal apps are an excellent source for storing your manifestations and offering privacy.
Start by asking yourself what this creation of your dream love will do for you. Define what you intend to find; your list should focus on the positive qualities of your future partner, from trustworthiness to kindness.
Like the Queen of Swords, ensure your manifestation list is logical and easy to understand. When you have your list, read it back to yourself. Revisit it daily to reinforce those vibrations.
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Step 4: Fake It Until You Make It
The Lovers energy is perfect for visualizing what you want to bring into existence into your life.
Fake it until you make it; this approach demands what you desire. Picture yourself as the face on the Lovers Tarot card with your significant other often.
Act and behave as if your partner has already manifested and is a part of your life. Take in all The Lovers depicts: love, deep passion, and an intense connection.
During this period, don't obsess about the result. Too much worrying about how or when love will materialize can slow down or eliminate progress in the manifestation process. It's essential to continue living your life regardless of whether you have a partner and remain positive.
Step 5: Coordinated Action
Two of Cups depicts the ideal soulmate union. This type of love has each other's back no matter what. You can read each other's minds, finish sentences, and bond deeply. Keep this card close as you grow in your faith that love is around the corner to call it in.
It's just a matter of time before your ideal person appears, so you must participate in coordinated action. Just as in the physical, you need to seek balance in the mental and spiritual. Don't just sit back and expect this person to drop from the sky. You must assist in the manifestation and show the universe you're ready.
Taking coordinated action is about getting yourself out there, working on your bad habits, and growing. Of course, say yes to potential love interests with the qualities on your previously curated list. Do not pursue someone who doesn't check these boxes. Nip this kind of self-sabotage in the bud. You don't want to send the wrong signal to the universe.
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Step 6: Celebration
The Four of Wands is known as the card of joy and harmony. The love you attract might show up even better than you had imagined. When you're open to creative possibilities for love, the universe may surprise you, and you'll meet someone unexpectedly. That's worthy of celebration!
When you've reached step six, manifesting your ideal lover, keep this Tarot card nearby. This will protect your connection, attract further blessings, and encourage commitment.