After Seeing These 17 Mind-Bending Photos, I Am 1,000% Convinced We're All Just Living In A Simulation
If you're here, I'm sure you've heard the theory that we're all just living in a matrix? In essence, we're all a part of a long-running game of The Sims. And just like every other simulation video game, we have glitches, too.
Maybe you've experienced a glitch yourself! An unexplainable moment, a coincidence that's too coincidental, you get the picture. And while we may not have '90s Keanu Reeves to help us out (sadly), we do have these 17 reality-bending photos that show everything is not always what it seems:
1.These cars literally said "Ctrl+c, Ctrl+v."
2.This person's perfectly heart-shaped bruise...
3.*Screams confusedly in Simlish*
4.Why do I feel like all of these apartment addresses are binary code?
5.This glitch is kinda corny, IMO...
6.Do they have different "party mayors?"
7.This is definitely the entrance to a Disney villain's lair...
8.Far too many 12's, if you ask me...
9.*Menacing space music*
10.Cat videos, now in 3D!
11.At least you can still read the sign!
12.Personally, I'm a big fan of double dog glitches.
13.A rather egg-cellent glitch...
14.Blue sky and clouds still loading....
15.This comment that was deleted in *checks notes* 1971.
16.An extra dice is always nice, I guess?
17.I don't know why, but I feel like I've seen this before...
Can you explain any of these "glitches?" Have you ever experienced a "glitch in the matrix" moment yourself? Let us know in the comments!
H/T: r/GlitchintheMatrix, r/confusing-perspective, r/Weird, r/mildlyinteresting