Scorpio Daily Horoscope – October 14 2020

Mercury is going retrograde today!

There could be confusion re your image, your reputation and how others see you during this cycle. It could be time to make some important if superficial changes. For example, now is a good time to rethink your image. Even if you’re happy with who you are, it’s also a good time to ask yourself if you’re getting your message across to others? Perhaps it’s time for a revamp – your hair, your wardrobe, your website, your business cards? For others, it will run deeper as something reconnects you to your past – for some an actual trip or meeting will out you face to face with ‘the old days’. Mercury going backwards in your sign can also be a time when life seems to hit one snag after another. People find it harder than usual to understand what you’re trying to say to them. Some of you will find it impossible to write anything without at least one grammatical or spelling mistake per line! This is a small price to pay for a period when you get to re-evaluate your old life, a chance to decide if you are happy with where you have left behind and where you are going. The key with Mercury retrograde is always to let the cycle unfold without making any major decisions, if you can. Mercury retrograde usually leads to more information being sent your way, so it’s best to wait and see what transpires before you act.

Work with this Mercury retrograde cycle

For far too long, people have feared Mercury retrograde. But there is no need! Even in the midst of the mayhem, if you know how to work with Mercury retrograde, you can end up working this cycle to your advantage long-term. Click here for info.