Scorpio Daily Horoscope – 25 April 2024
For you Mercury retrograde this time around is taking place in your Daily Work And Health Zone. It’s back to business for you. If you thought you were about to be allowed to lose yourself in fun and fantasy, it’s time to think again. As Mercury reverses through this part of your chart, you need to be looking hard at the way you’re spending your days. There is a lot of flexibility now so if there’s something you’re not happy with – an agreement, an arrangment, a routine – this is the time to speak up. You might be surprised at how willing others are to accommodate your needs and make the required changes, especially but not only at work. Since this part of your chart does relate to life around the office (or wherever you spend your days) do be careful to try to stay on top of your deadlines and daily duties. You might feel like you would rather be off daydreaming but now is the time to think of others more than you think of yourself. On the health front, now is the time to look at the routines you have in place to keep your body, mind and spirit in top form. If you know you’ve allowed yourself to lapse into bad habits, this is the time to reform and regroup. You will be very pleased you got in shape in a little while, as the Mercury reverse cycle ends and the focus shifts to your love life.
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The post Scorpio Daily Horoscope – 25 April 2024 appeared first on Yasmin Boland.