Sagittarius Daily Horoscope – March 3 2020

Things that make you go ouch!

There is a clash between Venus and Saturn today so there could be some harsh lessons about… For you it’s all about … cash, property in positions. Yes, you read that right. You’ve had the planet that puts the brakes on in your 2nd house, which is the part of your chart that’s all about money, what you owe, and also about your self-esteem. Speaking of self-esteem, if that takes another hit in the next couple of days, work as hard as you can to push through any self-doubt. Self-doubt ruins everything. It stops blocks ability to manifest, for one thing.

Mercury retrograde end of days…

So to speak! We are now about a week out from the end of this Mercury retrograde cycle what have you learned? If you feel like you’re in a washing machine, this free Mercury retrograde Survival kit will help you get through the last of it!