Sagittarius Daily Horoscope – December 27 2019

The Promises and Pressures of 2020

I have a free end of year gift that I would like to offer you – my annual Promises and Pressures report – it tells you all about the opportunities and challenges awaiting you in the year ahead. You can download it instantly here.

And now for a taster of the year ahead – a brief 2020 overview

This year sees a series of rolling connections between your planet Jupiter and boundary-dissolving Neptune, the planet of the Divine. So it could be a rather mystical and magical year ahead for you, where you feel one with the cosmos, or just feeling really good about life in general. If you don’t already have a spiritual practise, such as meditation or chanting or yoga, get one. It will do you a power of good this year.

Want to go deeper?

Get your full 56-page 2020 horoscope eZine and my Create Plan & Predict 2020 Kit here.