This top-ranking royal shops at supermarkets, and doesn't give a damn

The internet has a new queen, and she’s already ruling a nation.

In the world of royalty where sensible dresses, posh accents, and tiaras are prized above all else, this monarch is bucking the trend and living her best life, one juice box at a time.

Meet Queen Margrethe II Of Denmark: lover of a juice box, eater of hot dogs and shopper at supermarkets.

Queen Margrethe of Denmark enjoying life's simple pleasures has won over the internet. Photo: Reddit
Queen Margrethe of Denmark enjoying life's simple pleasures has won over the internet. Photo: Reddit

When Queen Elizabeth II can make headlines by visiting a simulation of a supermarket, it truly is refreshing to see a monarch sampling their pleasures in her down time, and with evident relish.

The image has been a staple of Reddit for a few years, and recently resurfaced in a new thread.


It was apparently captured outside a discount supermarket and shows the monarch of Denmark tucking into a hot dog, while sipping on some apple juice and sneaking in a quick cigarette while she’s at it.

The queen has been criticised in the past for openly smoking in public, with some researchers claiming she may adversely impact rates of smoking in her country.

The refreshing shot of normalcy, is in line with the queen’s typical behaviour.

Refreshing royalty

She is well known for her gun-ho approach to life, putting on boisterous displays that could not be further from the comportment of her English counterparts.

On many an occasion, the queen of over four decades has treated gathered crowds to hearty renditions of songs from the balcony, while her amused family looked on.

Queen Margrethe is known to sing from the royal balcony with gusto. Photo: Getty Images
Queen Margrethe is known to sing from the royal balcony with gusto. Photo: Getty Images

It seems that the half-Australian Danish heirs have quite the fun granny.


Queen Margrethe is of course the mother of Crown Prince Frederik, and grandmother to his and Aussie Princess Mary’s brood.

The royal has earned praise online for her hilariously down to earth approach to royal life.

The original thread which shared the image, was peppered with praise for the daring royal.

“A queen of the people,” one fan wrote.

“THIS is what I love about our part of the world. People are just.. normal. Even the queen,” wrote another.

Queen Margrethe takes a different approach to royal life than her British counterparts. Photo: Getty Images
Queen Margrethe takes a different approach to royal life than her British counterparts. Photo: Getty Images

“This being your monarch is the f***ing strangest thing to me as a Brit..” wrote one confused chap.

Perhaps less drama would be bubbling away among the British royals if they took Queen Margrethe’s approach to life and threw caution to the wind.

Cheers to Margrethe, Queen of Denmark and the United Kingdom of the Internet.

Queen Margrethe of Denmark, and the internet. Photo: Getty Images
Queen Margrethe of Denmark, and the internet. Photo: Getty Images

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