Wills is 'animated' in first TV interview as a dad

Having welcomed his first child into the world almost a month ago, Prince William and wife Duchess Kate have been keeping a low profile as they enjoy the joys of new baby Prince George.

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But Wills is slowly returning to his circuit of public appearances and royal duties, giving a rare and exclusive TV interview filmed this week at Kensington Palace.

The interview - the first since baby George's birth on July 22 - will be screened on CNN and UK's ITV next month as part of a documentary called Prince William's Passion: New Father, New Hope.

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Speaking with CNN's Mark Foster, Wills spoke about his passion for continuing his father Prince Charles' conservation work and his mother Princess Diana's humanitarian work, and his hope for new son Prince George to pursue this even further down the line.

Prince William at the Anglesey agricultural show! Source: Getty

"I've never seen him so animated. We had lots of time with him and he was on great form," said CNN's Mark Foster.

"I'm thrilled with the interview."

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A spokeswoman for ITV said:

"Prince William also talks about his love of Africa, his commitment to wildlife conservation and his hope that Prince George will one day share these passions.

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"He explains the pivotal part that Africa has played in his life and reflects on continuing a royal legacy in the continent, building on his father's conservation work and Princess Diana's humanitarian campaigns."

The interview was part of a busy week for Prince William, with appearances at Polo and at the Anglesey agricultural show, where he revealed more about the new experience of being a dad:

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"He's pretty loud but of course very good looking," he said of George.

"I have to say that I thought search and rescue duties over Snowdonia were physically and mentally demanding but looking after a three-week-old baby is up there."

Prince William speaks at the Anglesey agricultural show. Source: Getty

And to his Aussie fans' delight, Wills also said he is planning to bring little George to visit Australia sometime next year.

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Speaking to Max and Maxine Davies, aged 75 and 77, from Victor Harbor near Adelaide, Prince William said:

"George is doing really well, thank you.

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"We are all very hopeful of coming to Australia next year," he added.

Prince William's special TV interview premieres on CNN Sunday 15 September at 1pm.