Make Christmas Easy

By Paula Robinson

Three simple steps to a perfect Christmas day

The three Ds are based on the notion that we over-complicate the big projects in our lives and set ourselves too many tasks. Here's how to get back on solid ground this festive season:

1. Ditch:

Look at your Christmas to-do list. Are there any items on your list you can flick? For example, do you really need to attend every Christmas party, or do you have to cook every meal you're hosting from scratch? A quick trip to a much-loved deli or pastry shop can save you time and stress.

2. Delegate:

Which tasks can you get friends or family to assist with? If you ask in advance, you're most likely to invoke a chorus of yes. Do you need to spring-clean the house? Book hired help.

3. Do:

Keep some special tasks for yourself, doing only the things that make Christmas personal. For example, you may be happy to let stores handle giftwrapping, or you may love sitting up late surrounded by presents, rolls of paper and spectacular ribbon.

Tip: Keep a record of your planning for your next big task. Research from the University of California found that those who jot down their strategy with the aim of incorporating it into everyday life were more likely to turn this approach into a habit! (Why stop with Christmas?)

RELATED: How to plan ahead for Christmas

Paula Robinson, is a registered psychologist and co-founder of the Positive Psychology Institute in Sydney.