The fat-burning compound hiding in your wine

Research has found that a compound found in muscadine grapes can curb fat growth. Photo: Thinkstock

Wine just keeps getting easier to love.

New research in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry finds that ellagic acid, an antioxidant found in muscadine grapes, has serious promise for the management of body fat.

Researchers from the University of Nebraska, University of Florida, and Oregon State University in the US tested a powder made from muscadine grapes on human fat cells and liver cells. It worked like a fat-burning machine, blocking both the development of new fat cells as well as the growth of existing ones, and increasing the liver cells' ability to break down excess fat. This isn't the first study to show the grape's amazing effects: earlier animal studies corroborate the new findings.

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But now, researchers have discovered the specific chemical responsible for curbing fat growth: ellagic acid, or EA, found in the grape powder. Lucky for us, ellagic acid is also present in pecans, pomegranates, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, walnuts, other dark-coloured grapes (not just the muscadine variety), and red wines.

Before you raise a glass of pinot, note that the concentrations of EA used in this study were 10 times higher than what we can get from diet alone. But that doesn't mean the study findings are a total throwaway, says co-author Soonkyu Chung, assistant professor of nutrition and health sciences at the University of Nebraska.

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"In previous experiments, we found that if we continuously treated cells with an amount of EA that's achievable through diet, we started to see the fat-lowering effects one to two weeks later," she says. "Based on these observations, we anticipate that chronic consumption of ellagic acid-containing fruits and vegetables seems to be effective in reducing fat tissue."

Note: Chung's words are not an endorsement for expensive EA supplements. While these supps have long been touted for anti-cancer properties, evidence for this claim is lacking, and there's not much research on whether the pills can help with weight loss, either.

Stick to natural sources of EA instead. We've got a hunch that it won't be tough to have a glass of red and a handful of raspberries every now and again.


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