Expert Q&A: Breastfeeding while pregnant

Readers Question
I’m still breastfeeding my nine-month-old baby and have recently discovered that I am six weeks pregnant with my second child. Is there any reason why I should stop breastfeeding my baby? Is it dangerous to my unborn child to be breastfeeding while pregnant and are there any risks to my health, too? I had planned to breastfeed my first baby until he was 12 months old and I really don’t want to give it up before then.

Expert Answer
It is not at all dangerous for you or your unborn child. We now know there are not high enough levels of your pregnancy hormones passing through into the milk to affect your nine-month-old baby. But I do have a couple of things to point out. Firstly, you will need to really look after yourself during this period because you’re doing two very important jobs at once. You will need to work hard to stay well hydrated, especially if you feel sick.

Secondly, you are going to have to eat or drink your way through a LOT of calcium from dairy foods and fish.

Thirdly, you do need to get some sleep. I don’t say that glibly. A lot of mums of little babies don’t get much in the way of sleep and with the pregnancy progressing, that situation will not get any better. And when the next baby is born, you had better take your contraception seriously because you’re obviously fertility city!

  • Dr Ginni Mansberg is a GP, medical journalist and mum of three