Week 28 of your Pregnancy


It’s hard to believe, but you are now two-thirds of the way through your pregnancy journey – and your impending trip to the hospital or birth centre is growing closer. Fortunately, you will probably be starting your antenatal classes in the next week or so, which will help you to prepare for labour, the delivery and early days of motherhood. The more that you learn now, the more insight you'll have about what to expect and the more relaxed you are likely to feel when the time the baby's arrival actually comes.

This week, you’ll probably have a blood test to check for anaemia, a relatively common development during pregnancy. If in earlier tests your blood type is found to be RH negative, you'll also be tested for the production of RH antibodies, which may be forming to attack baby’s red blood cells if he is Rh positive. You will also be screened for gestational diabetes around now, too.


Your baby is around a kilo now, about the weight of a bunch of bananas. He can open and shut his eyes and will turn his head towards a source of light. It will be pretty busy over the next few weeks, forming layers of fat that will help maintain his temperature once he is born.

Photo: Fetus at 28 weeks - Scan provided by
Sydney Ultrasound for Women

3rd Trimester Week by Week

Week 27
Week 28
Week 29
Week 30
Week 31
Week 32
Week 33
Week 34
Week 35
Week 36
Week 37
Week 38
Week 39
Week 40

1st Trimester
(Weeks 1-12)
2nd Trimester
(Weeks 26-40)

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