People Are Sharing The Things They've Slowly Lost Interest In As They Have Gotten Older
If you're over 30, you probably have noticed that things you used to love to do — heck, you might not ever have really loved doing them, but felt the need to — in your 20s, like going out all the time or going to music festivals, feel more taxing now and something you really don't have any interest in doing anymore.
Recently, I stumbled upon a Reddit thread in which user rattyparsley was curious about just that when they asked: "What are you slowly losing interest in as you grow older?"
1."Personally, budget trips. I want convenience and comfort whenever I travel. I prefer hotels now over low-budget ones."
2."Social media. I used to find myself posting all the time on Instagram, but now I’m posting every couple of months. I honestly even get tired of scrolling on Instagram or TikTok. I feel like everyone is trying to be the same aesthetic, and everything on socials nowadays seems unattainable."
3."Drinking. I feel so much better without it."
4."I am losing interest in consuming multiple modes of content. At any one point, my brain can only do one book and one TV show, but not YouTube, TV shows, books, Instagram, podcasts, etc., all at once."
5."Honestly? People. I used to be all about hanging out with friends and causing mischief all the time. Gradually, with time, I realized most of them didn't really care for me much as a friend, but rather a vehicle for a good time. I was no one's first choice. Now, I'm at a time in my life where I prefer peace and solace over pleasing other people, and I don't regret it one bit."
6."Any and all celebrity content! I used to have a People magazine subscription and could tell you who was doing what. I consumed lots of celeb gossip or things like 'What perfume does Madonna use' type garbage. Plus, I knew celeb names, what movies they were in, etc. Now? I know absolutely nothing. The best part, though, is that I DNGAF!!!"
7."Being forced to socialize with people I don't know and likely have nothing in common with. Though, business social events are a breeze because I know why I'm there and what I need to do."
8."Having lots of plans on a weekend. Seems like I need 1–2 weekends at home every month. Partially to catch up on home tasks and partially to relax. I don’t feel refreshed Monday mornings if I spend the whole weekend out and about."
9."Video games, specifically MMORPGs [massively multiplayer online role-playing games]. I was crazy about them when I was younger; now that I'm older, I just want to chill, and the thought of having to grind for hours upon hours is just exhausting."
10."Gadgets. I don’t wanna keep up with what’s new anymore. I’ll stick with what I have and use them until they break."
11."Theme parks. I used to love rides, but I hate the thought of standing in line for an hour in the hot sun, walking everywhere, lol."
12."Career advancement. I've peaked. I don't want or need anything else. In fact, I want less."
13."The whole party scene feels like a chore now, and I'd rather just chill with friends at home."
14."It's weird, but I have the hardest time maintaining interest in TV shows now. Like I can’t do it. I used to love so many shows, and there are so many good-looking shows out there, but I can’t sit and watch for more than 10 minutes without losing interest! The same thing is starting to happen with movies, and it is making me so sad! Like, I can watch a movie in the theater, but at home, forget it! I’ll turn something on for 20 minutes, and I’m done — I’ll watch another 20 minutes tomorrow, hahaha."
15."Competing against others."
16."Traveling. I used to be excited about cross-country trips, trips abroad, or even road trips. I loved the journey and the entire process, but now I’m like, gimme milligrams, and wake me up when we are there."
17."The latest hits. Sure, there can be that one newly released song I actually like, but I am not ashamed not knowing who (insert latest one-hit wonder act) is."
18."Outcomes. I now do my best, and then do my best to let go of the outcome."
19.And lastly, "Other people's opinion about me."
You can read the original thread on Reddit.
Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.