People Are Sharing All The "Small Hills" They Would Absolutely Die On, And I Cannot Get Enough

I've written before about "small hills" that people say they're willing to die on, and you guys seem to love it, so much so that my comments have been absolutely full of people sharing their own "small hills," or rather, pet peeves. Or just full-blown peeves. I've decided to share some more, straight from our very own BuzzFeed Community!

Some of these are very relatable. Some, I'm not going to lie, I don't understand at all. Like, at all. But regardless, they are entertaining. So, have fun!

1."When people say 'irregardless,' I scream inside."


"Yes. it's REGARDLESS."


2."I hated it when in school I would ask 'Can I go to the bathroom?' and the teacher would say 'Can you?' Like yes, as an adult I understand that the proper way to ask is 'may I go to the bathroom?' But why be an asshole to a third-grader who has to pee? The teachers knew exactly what the question meant."

bored little girl sits at a school desk
golero / Getty Images

3."My hill: Charcuterie is cured meat. A cheese board is not charcuterie, and there is no such thing as vegan charcuterie."

a charcuterie board

4."I’m in the medical field. The one that drives me nuts is [mixing up] 'prostate,' which is a gland, and 'prostrate,' which is a position. I have to stop myself from correcting people all the time."


5."People bringing untrained dogs into places, claiming they are service dogs, does actual harm to real service dogs. I've read one too many stories about a service dog (and people) getting attacked by a dog that should not have been in that store."

little dog on an extendable leash in a grocery store

6."[People] using 'whenever' where they should be using 'when.' [Like saying], 'Whenever I was doing laundry on Tuesday.' Absolutely not."


7."When people say 'on accident' or 'conversate,' I can't deal. 'On accident?!?' Did you also do something 'on mistake?' [It] drives me up a wall."

Jujubee from RuPaul's Drag Race saying
Jujubee from RuPaul's Drag Race saying
Jujubee continues with,
Jujubee continues with,

Logo TV


8."Using 'utilize' instead of 'use.' Look up the definitions and stop being pretentious by using (not utilizing) a dollar word when a 25 cent word will do."


9."One thing I would add is that people who correct grammar errors are just as bad as people who make them. Correcting other people's grammar is too much like Ross Geller from Friends."

Ross from "Friends" shrugging at Rachel

10."I grew up in and still unfortunately live in the Bay Area where the vast majority of drivers refuse to use their turn signals and use the far left passing lane as if it were the farthest right hand lane, cruising at 55 mph, with cars backing up behind them. [I'm] wondering if this is specific to the entitled jerks who have moved en masse to this part of the country, as I never see this hill on these posts."

horrible traffic on the freeway in the Bay Area

11."Because I had a history professor who drilled it into us, I cannot stand when someone writes 'people THAT' instead of 'people WHO.' Also, when people make something possessive when they really mean to make it plural. Instead of writing 'I like green apples,' they [might] write 'I like green apple’s.'"


12."When it comes to movies, mine is vomiting. I do not need to see it, [so] why do they keep including it? It’s not necessary; please stop. It makes me want to turn it off. If they must vomit, have them do it off screen, just implied."

two women sitting in a movie theater make cringing / enraptured faces while watching a movie

"Also, I won’t watch anything if an animal is hurt or dies."


The Good Brigade / Getty Images

13."Vegan leather is literally a scam. Some time ago, [it was] considered a cheaper alternative of leather, and people would buy it exactly for that: its price. You are telling me now that I am supposed to compromise on quality and pay the same price as leather for a faux leather jacket just to have a moral high ground while [companies] make zero effort to make it better? Nope."


"I’ve been screaming about the vegan leather movement for so long, and I’m glad others agree with me."


14."If you think Southern accents in movies are bad, try New England accents any day. As a born and raised Massachusettsan, I was certain that Robin Williams's character in Good Will Hunting was from New Hampshire. Southie? How in the hell? He sounds like the Pepperidge Fahm guy."

Screenshot from "Good Will Hunting"
Miramax / Courtesy Everett Collection

15."[When it comes to unavoidable horror movie trailers] I get very queasy, to the point of sometimes actually throwing up when I see blood and gore. The smallest amount of blood can make me sick. Trailers for horror movies are impossible to avoid, not to mention ads that use strobing/flashing lights that could cause seizures, migraines, etc. They're deemed as 'okay' on most sites for some reason when they really should be banned! It's a health issue!"


16."People who say 'nucular' instead of 'nuclear!' Or 'furmiliar' instead of 'familiar.'"

Closeup of George W. Bush

17."Sorry. Pluto is not a planet. If it is, then you better be prepared to memorize quite a few additional 'planets,' as there are a number of bodies in our solar system that are similar to Pluto. As we learn more about the universe around us, we may have to change the way we classify things to have it make more sense. People who are dying on the hill of Pluto being a planet are the same as flat earthers as far as I’m concerned."

a picture of Pluto floating in space

18."We downgraded a planet to not-a-planet that was named after a war god, and the world has been a disaster ever since. I think we need to embrace Pluto again."

The same picture of Pluto floating in space, but I drew a heart and an arrow and added text saying "You are valid" with another heart after it
Dima_zel / Getty Images / iStockphoto

19."I have multiple disabilities, some more recognizable because I’m on crutches, etc. I’m still disabled even if I’m not on crutches at that moment. But the [thing] that baffles and infuriates me the most? When people say to me, ‘You don’t look deaf.’ Never, ever say that to someone who is hard of hearing/deaf."

"Also, who/whom. Please learn to use them correctly."


"I used to get told, 'You don't look like a diabetic!' Now it's, 'You don't need a wheelchair, you're young and just lazy.'"


20."My hill is that a BLT doesn’t count as a real sandwich."

a very sad looking BLT sandwich

21."I’m a teacher, so I’m not sure where my take will stand, but I think people in general have started to forget/underestimate the importance of the written word, which is ironic because we do so much communication via written/typed word these days. When I teach my students about 'their/there/they’re,' it’s not about what’s 'proper' and what’s 'incorrect,' it’s about clarity and making sure what you’re communicating in writing is clear."

a teacher looking at a laptop holds his hand to his forehead in frustration

22."People who don't show you respect because you look young. I'm 37 but look 22. A lot [of people] who don't know my age often treat me like a stupid little girl, either in public or (most of the time) when I need something fixed in my apartment. The maintenance men always are very disrespectful. I'm not that young, and I'm not stupid."

Closeup of a woman looking frustrated

23.And, finally: "I've been mistaken for a teen in my 30s, and what's really disturbing [to] me is the creepy behavior of much older men. It's so gross, and almost worse than back when I was an actual teen because I get so angry it ruins my day."


Those last two are a bit too real. Definitely big hills! I hope you all enjoyed (or were infuriated by) these. Please, feel free to share whatever petty, tiny, but incredibly irksome pet peeves you have down in the comments. I love reading them.

Note: Some comments have been edited for length and/or clarity.