17 Rich People Who Are So Out Of Touch, You'll Laugh To Stop From Crying

This week, Reddit user u/MonthIcy1 posed the question, "What's the most out-of-touch thing you've heard rich people say?" And, whew, get ready to laugh because it's the only thing that will stop the tears and existential dread.

Jessica Walter as Lucille Bluth in a living room says, "It's one banana, Michael. What could it cost, ten dollars?"

Here are some of the top-voted responses:

1."A coworker asked me what bank I used for my safe deposit box. I said I didn't have a safe deposit box. She said, 'But then where do you keep your jewels?'"

"I said I didn't have any jewels and she just said 'huh' and changed the subject. I get the sentiment (if I owned anything expensive, I would probably also have a safe place for it), but something about it made her sound like a Disney villain."


A person in a suit holds a gold watch and a pearl necklace, standing in front of open safety deposit boxes in a vault
Kali9 / Getty Images

2."I was talking about how growing up, we couldn't pay the bills and had our water/electricity shut off multiple times. Someone said, 'How could your family accountant let that happen?'"


3."While working for a valet parking service in the Santa Barbara area years ago, a woman hired us for a jewelry showing she was having at her giant house in Montecito, and while we were waiting for guests to arrive, my boss informed me that when the guests get in their cars to leave, that I needed to be sure to close their car doors or else they would just drive off with their doors open, as they're so used to people closing their car doors for them."


Close-up of a white-gloved hand holding a car door handle, suggesting a chauffeur or luxury service
Andreypopov / Getty Images

4."I was told by a guy (who has not worked a day in his life and is living off of inherited money) that poor people are poor because they don't invest their money right."


5."I needed a bicycle to get to a new job. I found someone online selling a really nice bike for cheap so I got in touch. I took two trains to their house to buy the bike and when I got there it was a mansion. The bike was in a garage full of supercars and classics. They asked me where my truck was to load the bike on, when I told them I was riding the bike home they laughed, and before I knew it everyone in the house had been called to the garage to hear how I was riding the bike three hours home in the dark. No one offered me a lift, they just acted blessed at how they didn't have to do such things."


A vintage bicycle with a sturdy metal frame and white-tread tires is parked on a cobblestone street in front of a stone wall
Lutavia / Getty Images

6."Living outside Jackson Hole, a friend's sister told me how hard it is to live there. You must fly in your help (cleaning, yard work) from Salt Lake. I had no words."


7."My boss was trying to stop me from taking one or two days off at a time because their accountant was complaining about the extra work or whatever. I explained I was using the days to take a Saturday and Sunday off here and there to visit my family for birthdays. She responded, 'Wouldn't you rather take a whole week off so you can fly somewhere warm?' I just stared at her and said, 'I make minimum wage. How am I supposed to pay for that?' She had no answer."


A person using a laptop with a flight search website on the screen. The search fields include flying from, flying to, departing, returning, adults, and children
Scyther5 / Getty Images/iStockphoto

8."Back when I was in my early 20s, my beat-up old car broke down in my job's parking lot when I was about to drive home. I was getting paid $10 an hour as a pastry chef at a catering company. This was barely enough to cover my rent. I was obviously pretty distraught over my car dying. My boss (company owner) ended up saying to me, 'Why are you so upset? It's just a car! Just buy another one!'"


9."During the pandemic, senior management held company-wide calls about mental health and wellbeing. One piece of advice always stuck with me. They suggested to stop the tedium of working in the same space, to move your desk to another room in your house. I had a choice between facing different walls."


A bright, neatly organized home office/bedroom with a desk, chair, bed, and a metal shelving unit against the wall, featuring a large window allowing ample natural light
Gayrat Tolibov / Getty Images/iStockphoto

10."Once when I picked up a lamp for free, the woman asked me why I didn’t just buy it as it wasn’t expensive. Like what did she expect me to answer? Start sharing my whole story of how I just moved to a place on my own and don’t have parents who can help buy stuff for me? If someone spends time picking stuff up or buying used stuff without a car, it’s probably not for fun."


11."'If you can’t afford childcare, just hire a nanny. We love ours!'"


A person is seen pushing a baby stroller along a sidewalk in a residential area, wearing casual clothing
Shapecharge / Getty Images

12."My boss at the time made between 5-10x more than I did. We were talking about big purchases like a car or house and he said something along the lines of 'Well, you'll get a great deal since you'd be an all-cash purchaser.' I just kind of smiled and nodded knowing that, on my salary which he was aware of, I was not even an all-cash purchaser of groceries."


13."I work for a startup based out of San Francisco. I'm a remote employee halfway across the country, and my direct peers who work in SF make at least double what I do. They went to Top 10 business schools and they 'summer' in Tahoe — that kind of thing. I was in the home office a few months ago for our annual kickoff meeting, and one of the speakers polled the room: 'Has anyone here worked at Amazon?' (nobody raised their hand). I said, 'Does warehouse count?' And the entire room erupted in laughter. Certainly, I'd just told a very enjoyable joke."


14."'Why did you take your car to get 'looked at'? Just get a different one. I don't know why you waste your time with repairmen like that.'"


A person stands in front of a car with the hood up, looking at their phone. The image relates to work and money and suggests a car breakdown situation
Rudi_suardi / Getty Images

15."The pre-teen son of one of my clients expressed confusion to me when I asked them where I could get more paper towels for the washroom of his parents' however-many-million-dollar yacht. He said something like, 'It's always there, what do you mean?' He was so disconnected from the process of cleaning and restocking that he just thought that stuff would always be there and never run out. The look of genuine confusion on his face was just something else. That's not the first time I've experienced that either — talking to the kids of extremely wealthy people is always a trip."


16."I was an assistant making just over $50k a year and I heard someone on the board of directors say, 'Of course he [mayor of a city] stole the money. You can't live on $90k a year!'"


17.And finally, "'Why don't the homeless just rent an apartment/buy a house?!'"


Constance Wu says "That is exactly what a super rich person would say"

Have you ever heard a rich person say something so completely out-of-touch and privileged? Let us know in the comments!

Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.