"I Bought The F—ing Ticket, Didn’t I?" 20 Of The Weirdest Travel Stories That Get So Horrible, They Will Make You Never Want To Get On A Plane Again

Recently, I saw the below Tweet and was rightly horrified by this person's behavior.

Twitter: @Cluffalo

In the interest of being horrified further and therefore entertained, I decided to ask our BuzzFeed Community to tell us the wildest, weirdest, and/or worst things they've seen while traveling — and they did not disappoint. Here are some of their most engaging answers:


1."The woman across the aisle got up to go to the bathroom, had a heart attack, and died. Her friend was my seat-mate and was inconsolable the whole flight, especially after they took her body to the back and announced she was fine."

"We had an unexpected landing in DC to escort all of them off the plane."


2."Flying from Miami to Chicago. We were on the runway, ready to take off. A woman in economy stood up to get something out of the overhead bin. Flight Attendants were yelling multiple times for her to take her seat! She didn't comply, and we took off."

A person is placing a carry-on bag in the overhead compartment of an airplane. Only the hands and bag are visible

3.“After a pretty turbulent flight and a bouncy landing, they came over the speaker and congratulated the guy who landed the plane for completing his final landing to become a Captain.”

Annie Murphy as Alexis Rose from "Schitt's Creek" makes an unsure face while sitting at a table, holding a pink highlighter.

4."The airline staff left a seat and seatbelt covered in vomit. It spanned three seats, and all three people, one of whom was my mother, had to move."

I don't know who this is. The person is making a perplexed expression with teeth showing and is wearing a stylish blue outfit

5."Flying home via Denver on a business trip, my plane took off as normal (smallest Boeing jet size in service, pretty sure it was older than me, age 38). We got up to about 20,000 feet while climbing, and suddenly, a very loud WOOSHing noise came over the whole cabin. I got a sudden euphoric feeling, and the plane quickly descended."

A private jet aircraft is in flight against a clear sky, approaching for a landing

6.A positive story: "I’ve been all over the world and have seen many things but something that will always stick in my mind was a late-night trip to the beach in Mexico. We went to see if we could see baby turtles hatching. Instead, we found a female laying her eggs way too close to the waves due to all the rubbish on the beach."

three baby sea turtles walk across the sand

7.“Two hours into an eight hour flight to Ireland, the man sitting next to me suddenly started babbling about how hot it was on the plane (it was freezing) and took off his shirt. A flight attendant came up to him and asked him to put it back on and the man said, ‘I bought the f—ing ticket, didn’t I?’”


“The flight attendant was clearly rattled and she walked away. Nobody else came up to him and the shirt stayed off for the rest of the flight.”


8.“The absolute wildest experience I’ve had on an airline is being seated next to a man who walked on the plane ‘over-served.’ He was so drunk and absolutely reeked of alcohol. He wouldn’t stop talking, so I made some small talk with him. I asked him what he did for a living, and he told me he was an airplane pilot for the airline we were on.”

A person with a surprised expression, mouth slightly open, and wide eyes, wearing a black outfit and pearl necklace, with the FOX logo in the top right corner
A person with a surprised expression, mouth slightly open, and wide eyes, wearing a black outfit and pearl necklace, with the FOX logo in the top right corner
A woman with blonde hair, wearing pearl earrings, stares wide-eyed and serious directly at the camera. A logo reads
A woman with blonde hair, wearing pearl earrings, stares wide-eyed and serious directly at the camera. A logo reads

Fox / Via giphy.com


9."I flew a redeye from JFK to Heathrow in 2018... I was in a row with two strangers, one a young woman in the middle seat whose friends were sitting in the rows ahead of us. We took off, they began serving drinks, and I fell asleep. Somewhere over the Atlantic, I woke up because the guy sitting across the aisle from me was yelling."

Kristen Wiig sits in an airplane seat wearing sunglasses, with a man in a suit next to her and a flight attendant standing by

10."I once was on a full plane stuck in a middle seat adjacent to a passenger picking his nose (throughout the flight) and wiping a surprising number of boogers on the upholstered armrest between us."

A woman in period costume, featuring a large hat and detailed clothing, appears surprised. The PBS logo is in the upper left corner

11."On a flight from SFO to Orlando, we were on our final approach, and I noticed we began ascending again. You could see storms in the area, so I assumed they were navigating around weather or avoiding wind shear on the final approach. Then the captain came on and announced there was a mechanical problem with the aircraft…silence on the plane."

Three pilots in a cockpit, one adjusting controls overhead, seated in front of a complex instrument panel, preparing for takeoff. Names unknown

12."The first time I flew on an airplane by myself was at 10 years old. I flew from LAX to JFK to spend a few weeks with a pen pal of mine. I boarded before others with the help of a flight attendant and wore a badge indicating I was traveling alone. People soon started boarding the plane. Everyone was oddly quiet and I couldn’t figure out why the plane was absent of noise."

Passengers sit in rows and store luggage in overhead compartments on a crowded airplane. A flight attendant assists in the aisle

13."One time I sat down in my assigned seat in the middle row and the other two seats on each side of me were already taken. As soon as I sat down, the man at the window seat next to me shouted out, 'Last person that sits down in the row has to buy drinks for everyone else in the row during the flight!' He meant me."

A person holds a plastic cup of red wine while in an airplane seat. The tray table in front is folded down

"Now the one thing I am not going to do is spend my hard-earned money on a drunk I have never seen in my life who's insulting me. I just sat back, closed my eyes, and ignored him. He continued to complain loudly to everyone on board... cussing and calling me names. He was twice my size."

A busy airport terminal with travelers walking and using moving walkways, some with luggage. The image conveys movement and the hustle and bustle of an airport environment

14."I was traveling to a different country and the customs agent reviewing my passport kept trailing off and looking over at the neighboring desk, where a group of people were talking to the other customs agent. After about a minute, the group dispersed as several armed customs agents arrested one member of the group and escorted her away. Apparently, she had a forged passport."

Open passport under UV light showing security features and patterns


Ivan Halkin / Getty Images

15."I was traveling through the Middle East, and I knew I would encounter my share of interesting cultural differences. I was prepared for everyone to take their shoes off during the flight to make themselves more comfortable. Not my cup of tea, but I can respect it. However, I was NOT prepared to be woken up by the delicate scratching of my elbow on my rest, only to look back and find long, yellowed toenails from a foot that was sharing my armrest."

Close-up of a person's hand showing a dry, flaky skin condition on the fingers and discolored fingernails


Lindseyleeanna / Getty Images/iStockphoto

16.Another positive story: "My roommate and I were taking a quick weekend trip by train across Italy, leaving from the Florence station. After we boarded, I realized we had forgotten to purchase tickets from the little kiosk between the trains. No sooner had I hopped off to grab the tickets, the doors closed behind me."

Trenitalia ticket vending machine in a train station; people standing in the background

17."In late November 1982, my husband was driving through the Midwest on I-80. The highway was snowy and incredibly icy. Suddenly, strange apparitions began flying past his car on the highway. They were large boats."

Foggy, empty highway with trees and rocky cliffs on either side, stretching into the distance. No people or vehicles present

"It was as if he found himself in the middle of a yachting race, but on land. Super weird to say the least! The transport vehicle carrying them had lost control and turned over, releasing its load of vessels onto the freeway. It was a once-in-a-lifetime sight to see."


Aziz Shamuratov / Getty Images

18."My company had spent a group work and play trip in Cabo San Lucas. As we were flying back home. I was seated next to a woman who was shaking the whole trip and leaning forward and backward constantly. I recognized it as a drug withdrawal."


"At a certain point, I said, 'Whatever you need to do to calm down, just do it.' She pulled out a compact and sniffed something, then relaxed the rest of the flight home. Wild."


19."While walking around Prague on New Year's Eve, I saw a guy sitting on the sidewalk, obviously very intoxicated, with a couple other intoxicated people fussing over him a bit (as best they could). It looked like he had a suction cup stuck to the bottom of one of his shoes."

Person on "Bake Off The Professionals" with a shocked expression, hands covering their mouth, standing in the kitchen

20.And finally: "Flying back from Las Vegas with a coworker who'd had too much to drink at the airport bar, I watched as he interacted with his seatmate and bought her drinks. After plying her with alcohol, I overheard him ask her if she would like a foot massage. She agreed and took off her shoes while he began massaging her feet. At some point I heard him say, 'Can I suck on your toes?'"

Retta, wearing a floral dress with a purple cardigan, has a skeptical expression in a scene from a TV show

If you read this far and have a totally wild travel story of your own to share, feel free to tell all about it in the comments — I always love reading more juicy stories. Or, if you prefer, you can check out this anonymous Google Form. Your story could be shared in an upcoming BuzzFeed article!

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.