23 Working People Are Sharing The Common Misconceptions About Their Professions That Couldn't Be Further From The Truth

Whatever industry you work in, you can probably think of a handful of misconceptions people feel about your line of work. Redditor u/stiengineer asked, "What's a misconception about your profession that you're tired of hearing?" Here's what people responded with, including some answers from the BuzzFeed Community, too.

1."I used to work in childcare, and the popular misconception is that we get paid to play all day. I wish! You're so busy, usually understaffed, and have so few resources that you're lucky to get a few minutes each day to engage with the kids in a meaningful way. Plus, we use a lot of personal time at our own expense. Things like setting up the classroom to get ready for the next day, switching up the decor to reflect a holiday or new season, and preparing for a new kid to join... yeah, none of these things got done during work hours. We definitely didn't have time to play all day!"

Children playing with wooden blocks and shapes on a table, with an adult's hand visible
Lourdes Balduque / Getty Images

2."Fire sprinkler designer here; fire sprinkler water is NOT clean and clear like the movies depict. It's more than likely that the water has been in those pipes for decades and is filled with corrosion and cutting oil. As soon as a sprinkler goes off, you are getting doused with black tar water."


3."I’m a government office worker and union member. Many people I interact with comment on how lazy we must be, doing the bare minimum. Nope, the standards are still high. Most people naturally don’t want to be ‘in trouble’ at work… so even though we have more due process before getting fired compared to at-will jobs, I don’t know many coworkers who have ever faced those levels of disciplinary action."


4."I'm a dental hygienist; it's a backbreaking job, I tell you. Our goal isn't to shame or torture you but rather to really improve your oral health and, in turn, your overall health. A lot can be achieved by proper brushing and interdental care."

Dentist in scrubs examines a patient in a dental chair under an overhead light
Skynesher / Getty Images

5."As a speech therapist, I wish people understood that my job is not just about teaching kids how to pronounce words. It’s about helping them with a whole range of communication issues."


6."I’m a librarian, and we do not just sit around and read all day. How would any work get done? Books don’t catalog or shelve themselves. Also, I work in an academic library, so students think I know every article in every journal. Nope, but I can show you how to research and find them. On the other hand, I field many calls from people thinking we’re a bookstore... so maybe people just don’t know what librarians do in general."

A person browsing books on library shelves, selecting one to examine

7."'Teachers are brainwashing and indoctrinating our kids!' Bruh, I can barely get these adorable little kids to bring a damn pencil to class. I’m flattered you think I have that much power, but I can assure you I do not."

Children raising hands in a classroom with a teacher at the front
Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

8."That graphic design is fun, cool, exciting, and we do it for peanuts just because we enjoy it. Actually, I have bills to pay, and most of the time, I'm trying to protect the client from making really bad decisions because they feel they could 'do it themselves if only they could just draw a little better.'"


9."As a veterinarian, I’m certainly not in this for the money. I also can't magically know what is wrong with your dog or cat just by waving my magic stethoscope."

Small white dog on vet's table with a person in green scrubs standing next to it

10."Software engineer here. No, we can't just 'hack into' anything, and we can't fix your printer. We're not tech support. We live in a world of code, not hardware."


11."Airline pilot. There's a misconception that flying a plane is easy and we don’t do anything most of the flight. The truth is that the automatics take care of the mundane ‘flying’ part often, but planes need constant monitoring and frequent adjustments. Our time is spent contingency planning for if the worst happens. Should we experience an engine failure, cabin pressure loss, or instrumentation failure, we need to have an immediate plan and know our closest diversion airports and weather. We spend most of our time planning for what we never want to happen."

Pilot adjusting controls in cockpit overhead panel
Rob Melnychuk / Getty Images

12."So many people think that real estate agents 'just put a sign in the yard' and take a percentage of the sale. First of all, that percentage is split four ways. Real estate agents pay all their own expenses and have no benefits whatsoever. To be successful, you have to be available every day and at all hours. You never know what your income will be. Forget weekends with family or friends."


13."Hairstylist here. If 'anyone can cut hair,' then why did you all have terrible haircuts during the pandemic? You have to take into account the head shape, hair texture, cowlicks, and deviation in hair color. It's not easy, and it's really hard on your body."

Person getting a haircut with scissors, focus on hands and hair, no faces shown
Sbenitez / Getty Images

14."I’m an executive celebrity personal assistant. I love it, but it’s beyond hard, and people who think it’s glamorous? I’ve got news for you..."


15."Pharmacists do SO much more than count pills in retail or in a hospital. In many cases, they spot possible contraindications or potential medication interaction issues that the doctor may miss either because the doctor is preoccupied with other aspects of a patient's care or because the doctor isn't paying close attention to additional medications the patient has been prescribed by other doctors."

Person examining medication boxes in a pharmacy
Luis Alvarez / Getty Images

16."I'm a vegetable farmer. We get so many applicants wanting to 'connect with the soil,' yet they have never touched a shovel before. So many people don't seem to understand that farming is manual labor with long hours and daily hardship. And It's all just to limp by. We aren't making much money."


17."McDonald’s crew here; everyone thinks we’re lazy teenagers or criminals who just needed a job. McDonald’s is somewhat stable and has decent benefits if you know how to get them. Everyone I’ve met there is a really hard worker. We do care."

Person holding two containers of McDonald's fries over a metal tray
Picture Alliance / dpa/picture alliance via Getty Images

18."As someone who works for a digital ad agency, many of our clients think ChatGPT can write good, high-converting copy for their janky website. But actually, it just makes you look cheap and makes me avoid your product."


19."I’m a delivery driver who delivers Amazon packages. I drive the blue Prime van, but the huge misconception is that we work for Amazon when, in fact, we don’t. We work for small companies that have contracts with Amazon. Amazon does not have its own drivers."

A delivery person from behind walking with an insulated food delivery bag
Patrick T. Fallon / AFP via Getty Images

20."I work in a call center for an insurance company. No, I did not raise your premium. No, I’m not responsible for reinstatement costs. I had nothing to do with any of this; I’m just trying to get you off the phone and move along to the next call."


21."I'm an attorney. Many people have this bizarre idea that a court case turns on who has the better attorney. The truth is a bad attorney can absolutely sink your case, but once you reach a level of basic competence, the facts of the case are almost exclusively what drives victory or defeat. I can make clever arguments all day, but there are no magic tricks I can perform to avail you."

Empty judge's bench in a traditional courtroom with ornate woodwork and the United States flag to the side
Ftwitty / Getty Images

22."Accounting. No, you don't have to be good at math. (And no, I will not do your taxes.)"


23."As an electrician, I often hear the misconception that what I do is not a skilled profession, which is frustrating. Being an electrician requires rigorous training and adherence to safety standards."

Person using a screwdriver on electrical panel wires
Grace Cary / Getty Images

Do you have one to add? What do people get wrong or not understand about your profession? Tell us in the comments or drop it into this Google form.