People Are Sharing Their Best Relationship Advice That We Should All Be Taking Notes On
Relationships are more than just being someone's husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend. There's comprise, understanding, communication, and of course, love. So, when Reddit user Adrienadii_ asked, "What was the best relationship advice you ever got?" people had a lot of insightful things to say. Here's what to keep in mind no matter what you relationship status might be:
1."Don't look for a relationship just for the sake of being in a relationship."
2."Your partner can't read your mind. Talk to them about why you are upset or what is bothering you. Don't hold your negative thoughts inside, it will only make the situation more bitter."
3."Having kids will not solve the problem."
4."If you can't laugh at each other's embarrassing moments, are you even really a couple?"
5."Relationships are like WiFi. Sometimes they go down, but a simple reboot (a hug) can fix it!"
6."Remember that you are not fighting against your SO during conflicts. You and your SO are up against the issue."
7."Make time. You'll always have a million and one things that need your attention, but if you're going to be with someone and start a family with them, make time for them. My dad, who is still very much in love with my mum, isn't really feeling it anymore because she's spent the last 35 years married to a workaholic farmer."
8."Be each other's biggest supporter and cheerleader."
9."'Relationships are so hard,' or 'marriage takes so much work,' is terrible advice. Relationships take effort, maintenance, and mindfulness, but it shouldn't be work. It's a garden, not a salt mine. If everything is an uphill struggle all the time, you're not compatible. Move on. Saying 'all relationships are so hard' teaches people to stay in relationships that are bad for them. Get therapy and find healthy partners. And don't have kids if your relationship is already, 'OMG so hard.'"
10."If you aren't going to remember being upset over this, it's not worth arguing over now. There are peaks and valleys in relationships. Don't give up until it's only valleys."
11."Don't sweat the small stuff; choose your battles wisely."
12."Don't accept anything you wouldn't accept being done to a loved one."
13."When you marry someone, you marry their whole family. I have always taken this to mean that you should learn about the family before you commit to the relationship."
14."Never take each other for granted; show appreciation often."
15."Be each other's friend above everything."
16."What you put up with, you end up with."
17."Even head over heels in love people get on each other's nerves once in a while. It's not necessarily a sign of trouble, or that you're growing apart, or you or she isn't good or the right one. You're together almost ALL the time. It's a sign that you're human."
18."If the grass is greener on the other side, try watering yours."
19."When your partner wants to have a serious talk, ask them if they want you to give advice or just listen. There's a huge difference."
20."While in a relationship don't lose yourself as an individual."
21."There is no reason to keep score. You are both on the same team. If one (or both) of you starts keeping score with things it is time to evaluate the state of the relationship and why this is occurring. On a related note, all problems can be solved, but not all problems are worth solving."
22."Remember to laugh together and keep the romance alive."
23."Discuss life goals and financial habits before you get married, especially kids. If one person wants six kids and the other wants to be childless, that's not going to work. If one person has champagne tastes and spending habits but you as a couple have a boxed wine budget, then that is a problem. More than one marriage has been ended because one spouse is bad with money and refuses to live within their means."
24."Have a goldfish's memory when it comes to arguments. The elephant's memory is for the good stuff. Moreover, never keep score. A team, you are."
25.And finally, "When I was around 14 and had my first serious relationship, I went to see my girl in the evening. Before I went out the door, my dad stopped me and said, 'Son, there's one thing that you should know, and after I tell you I'll shut up about it. If a girl says no that means no.' I felt awkward because it seemed obvious, and I felt like my dad saw me as an idiot. 10 years later, I still think about that moment and what my dad said, and I feel so proud of him for pointing out something that is really important. I feel like simple advice like that is not given often enough."
What's the best relationship advice you've ever heard? Share it in the comments!
Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.