People Who Quit Their Job On The FIRST DAY Are Exposing What Happened, And, Wow, I Would've Too

Recently, Reddit user u/drip47 asked, "People who quit their jobs on the first day, what made you say, 'I’m done with this,'?"

Person with long hair saying, "I hate my job, so I need to quit."

After reading their stories, I COMPLETELY understand why they walked out, and I bet you will, too. So here's what made people quit on the first day:

1."When I saw that the microwave was coin-operated."


Person in a living room setting, wearing a button-up shirt, looking to the side with an expression of surprise or curiosity

2."I was halfway into my first shift when they sprang this on me: 'Oh by the way, we never mentioned it at the interview, but you will get 50 percent pay for six months till your trial period is over'. I turned around and walked out. No discussion. Didn't say a word. I just left."



3."When I found out their time clock system didn't track hours worked, but the minutes spent typing or moving your mouse. And it'd take random screenshots too. All that and they wanted this installed on my personal computer. That and a few other reasons made me back out after one day."


Person sitting on a grey couch, wearing a red and black patterned top, holding a piece of paper, giving a side glance

4."I was loading trucks, and I got injured, and they told me to keep working. I went to the boss and asked, 'Who do I tell if I want to quit?' He responded 'Me.' I said, 'Ah, OK, I quit.' He asked me to finish my shift, but I laughed in his face."


5."I was a cold caller trying to solicit donations for an organization. I called a guy. His widow answered the phone saying he had recently passed. The supervisor said I should try and get the widow to make a donation. I was done."



Person with long hair wearing a sleeveless top and necklace, looking concerned, with greenery in the background

6."I was between jobs and got a temp job helping with payroll, and they told me I would have to hold paychecks for people who did not return their uniform. When I pointed out this was illegal, they said to do it anyway, so I quit and went back on unemployment until I found a real job three weeks later."


7."I got a job at an office and on the first day, they told me that I actually needed to show up to a different office located in San Francisco (which is a 90-minute commute there and a 2-3 hour commute home). Not what I signed up for. They legit could not understand why I was leaving."


Person with braided hair in bun, wearing a casual jacket, attentively listening at a panel discussion
The Paley Center For Media

8."The boss hid the bathroom key and had everyone ask him for permission to use it. I have IBS, and I got the runs on the first day (of course). When I asked for the key the second time after 30 minutes of using it the first time, he asked me: 'Again?' The third time he started chewing me out. I literally turned around on my heel and got to the locker room to take my stuff and go. He then tried to block my way out when I sat on my motorcycle to drive away."



9."I started a job in an office. I went to the washroom, and it was locked. I asked someone if there was another washroom. They said to ask reception for the key. Really? I went to reception and felt really humiliated, but, I asked for the key. She handed it to me and asked if I needed toilet paper. I said 'It's alright, false alarm,' got my stuff and left."


A host on "Family Feud" in a suit and polka dot tie holds a card, standing on the game show's set

10."I had a bartending job. The person training me found a giant shard of glass in the ice...and then poured more ice over it. Bye."


11."I had an office job with an all-male staff. The male boss made a joke that I could feel free to use the kitchen to make food for everyone because 'finally, we have a woman on the team.' I walked out."



12."It was a food truck owned by this Russian dude. His cash register was so convoluted. He'd be like, 'To sell a hotdog, push burger, then subtract two sodas and a small fry.' Then he just left me alone. It was overwhelming, and I just didn't come back."


Person in a fast-food uniform with a curly hairdo looks to the side, standing behind a restaurant counter

13."I worked a line job in a factory that assembled magazines. Because of all the paper sliding along the tracks, little bits would gum up the gears, and they wanted us to reach inside and pull out all the wads of paper scrap about once an hour while someone MANUALLY held down a button that paused the machine from moving. I refused, clocked out for lunch, and left."


14."I got a summer job as an HR office assistant while in college. They told me on my first day that they had to fire some people later in the week and they needed me to do it because they didn’t want to. I didn’t come back the next day."


Person with long hair and hoop earrings making an expressive face, seated indoors

15."I remember starting a job at a call center for a particular company that has such a bad reputation they need to change their name every so often. They were telling us how we had seven minutes allotted for 'personal time' like bathroom breaks. There was one bathroom in the building, WAY down at the other end of the building. So on our first fifteen-minute break, I walked to it. It took 4.5 minutes to get there. So when we came back from break, I asked, 'So what happens if you go over the allotted time?' And the trainer goes, 'Well, then the minutes are tracked and deducted from your pay'...I got up and walked towards the door, and the guy went, 'See, that's an example of complete unprofessionalism, and that's OK; this type of job isn't for quitters.' I spun around and went, 'I can handle the job. What I won't do is degrade myself by working for a place that monitors how long it takes you to crap."


16.And finally, "The owner's daughter showed up to open an hour and half late. She said she thought her mom had given me the keys. She proceeded to tell me to unload her car before I could come in and clock in. I locked her keys in her car and left."


Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.